
Banderas+Murphy+Myers+Cleese+Díaz - Shrek 2 LA prem. 2004

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2007. július 25. 00:48 #1
a Nazgúlok Réme
StátuszWho cares if one more light goes out ... Well, I do ... RIP Chester <3
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Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas and Julie Andrews attend the Los Angeles premiere of 'Shrek 2' at the Mann Village Theatre May 8, 2004 in Westwood, California.

Julie Andrews wub.gif

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wub.gif wub.gif thumbsup.gif
1 felhasználónak tetszik: standoffan
2007. július 25. 08:49 #2
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Idézet(Éowyn @ 2007. July 25. - 00:48)
Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas and Julie Andrews attend the Los Angeles premiere of 'Shrek 2' at the Mann Village Theatre May 8, 2004 in Westwood, California.

Julie Andrews  wub.gif

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wub.gif  wub.gif  thumbsup.gif

Deeeee nagyon jóóóók!!!! meghajolo.gif meghajolo.gif
Az is tetszik, hogy aki esetleg nem tudta eddig, hogy ki kinek is a hangja, hát most meglátja w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif
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