
Emma Watson - Russian I Love You magazine 2009

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2009. június 03. 16:52 #1
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Csatlakozott: 07.02.03.
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Q: Have you been bored of playing Hermione?
Emma: I'll never get bored of her character, even though, I've been acting her for 8 years. But I always wished to play Hermione Granger since I was 9 years old, when my dad used to read me the first Harry Potter books.

Q:Very-very soon, in July, Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince is coming up in the theatres, and you've already been shooting new parts for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie. Aren't you sad that you'll gonna have to leave your character behind?
A: I'M DEFINITELY SAD ABOUT IT! I just can't imagine my life without Harry Potter...Everyone, who has been on with me including Daniel and Rupert are my family now. We've been together for half of our lives.

Q: Everyone's been wondering..."Have you ever had a crush on Daniel Radcliffe?"
A: NO!

Q: What about rupert?
A: OH, NO!!! Thanks God, our contracts didn't contain any information that we had to be kissing!

Q: Well, but what about Rob Pattinson, who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
A: OH GOD! Yes, he is absolutely hot! He's driving me crazy...But we're just friends and can just be talking on the phone for hours, because I know, that there's something's going on between him and Kristen Stewart. And I'm really happy that Rob became so popular on Twilight. He's so gorgeous, that I wasn't even surprised by that!

Q: Are you now, having a boyfriend?
A: Mmmm, actually I do! I've been dating this guy for a very long period. He became the first guy, I fell in love with for now what I mean?!

Q: Who is he? Is he as famous as you are?
A: No, he's an ordinary guy, not a star...His name is Jay and I really like him. And I feel a bit shy of discussing my private life on public. Maybe after I become a real Hollywood star, i'll start talking about it behind my house walls.

Q: Have you ever dated a guy, who's known by everyone?
A: Never. I never will. I was communicating with famous guys quite often, and that was enough. I just want an ordinary boyfriend, who'll remind me of existance of the normal life with no fuss from the Hollywood...

Q: Seems like you're getting tired of your popularity at 19.
A: Oh, yes! The papparazi are driving me crazy. Although, you now, it all depends on the city I'm in. While I'm London or Los Angeles, the movement in the city is a complete disaster - the flashes are eerywhere, and someone's watching over me, expecting something. But while I'm in New York or I'm travelling in Europe, not everybody seems to know me, which is great!

I'd rather pick a loving family then a career in Hollywood. I love my fans and I'll always give my autograph and I don't mind of being photographed. I really want to continue my future career, but after entering a university. My dream is entering American university because U.S. disciplines are wider than the U.K's. I'm going to learn English Literature and Photography, which is my hobby.

Q: In clothing you always prefer classic style, and often you look like a true english lady.
A: Oh, thank you very much!

Q: We heard you enjoy fashion!
A: Really much! I just love fashion. But I wear stuff from Zara, Gap and Top Shop. I love combining styles. It feels so British: mixing stuff from couture with street clothing. And actually I spend all of my pocket money on clothing.

Q: Pocket money? What do you mean? You must have a couple of millions in your bank...
A: I have. But most of the money is in deposits. I'm getting them as soon as I'm of age, 21 - which is only in two years. But I'm planning to save my money - in case my acting career won't be that fabulous. But you know what, I don't think that's going to happen!
1 felhasználónak tetszik: nightfever
2009. június 03. 17:23 #2
gonosz taemint törpe™
StátuszHappy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour.
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köszi meghajolo.gif
2009. június 04. 20:34 #3
♥F1♥ addict
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köszi,bár nekem ez az interjú kicsit furának tûnik...
nem hiszem,hogy Emma ilyeneket mondott,hogy Robert olyan dögös,hogy megõrül tõle,de sajnos csak telefonon beszélhetnek,mert vmi alakul közte és Kristen Stewart között,meg igen,milliói vannak a számláján,de még gyûjtöget,ha a karrierje késõbb mégse lenne olyan jó,de ez szerinte úgyse fog megtörténni,meg majd mikor igazi hollywoodi sztár lesz akkor fog a magánéletérõl beszélni?
nekem kicsit érdekes...
2009. június 04. 21:04 #4
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Idézet(Jessy @ 2009. June 4. - 20:34)
köszi,bár nekem ez az interjú kicsit furának tûnik...
nem hiszem,hogy Emma ilyeneket mondott,hogy Robert olyan dögös,hogy megõrül tõle,de sajnos csak telefonon beszélhetnek,mert vmi alakul közte és Kristen Stewart között,meg igen,milliói vannak a számláján,de még gyûjtöget,ha a karrierje késõbb mégse lenne olyan jó,de ez szerinte úgyse fog megtörténni,meg majd mikor igazi hollywoodi sztár lesz akkor fog a magánéletérõl beszélni?
nekem kicsit érdekes...

Így van, ez az interjú nekem is sántít... sok cikket elolvastam már Emmáról, illetve interjút is, de sosem szokott így és ilyen dolgokról beszélni...
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