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kimari278 még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2020.02.20. 06:06Státusz módosítva: Ma, 08:16

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"Whether you accept the challenge and complete the trials is, of course, entirely up to you."


"These trials will be difficult and may include a significant investment of time and energy, and may even pose a risk to yourself."

"I understand."

"Having reviewed your file and considered your case, we have decided that you will be given the standard seven trials. These will be selected specifically for you and may be substantially different from the trials given to others. Failure to complete the trials will permanently disqualify you from attempting a second set of trials but will incur no other penalty. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Do you have any questions?"

"Well, yes," Don frowned. "Is there a limited time in which I need to complete the trials?"

"There may be a time limit imposed on a particular trial, but in general no. You may take as long as you like to complete the full set, though some of them may not be the sort of thing at which you can make multiple attempts."

"Cool," Don murmured. "Will you be giving me all of them at once, or...?"

"You will be given one trial at a time. When you complete the trial, you will return here for evaluation and your next trial."


"There may be some question as to whether you have met the challenge satisfactorily."

"Hmmm, is there any way to appeal a decision that I think is unfair?"

Pamela smiled, "What if I say there isn't?"

Don frowned, imagining that there might be any number of ways in which things could go astray.

"Let's cross that bridge if we come to it, shall we, Don?"

"Okay," Don smiled. "I probably don't have any other options anyway."

"Probably not," Pamela nodded. "Any other questions?"

"Well, will I be able to ask for clarification when I'm given a task to complete?"

"Of course, within reason."

"Okay," Don nodded. "I'm good."

"So, Don, do you accept the trials?"

"I do," he said very seriously.

"Then your first task is to seduce Captain Sage."

Don gaped down the table at Pamela. He wasn't expecting anything quite so personally targeted.

"Do you have any questions?"

"Uh, no, I guess not..."

Then Don found himself sitting on a towel on a sunny beach. Blinking around in shock at the abrupt transition, he slowly realized he was back on the beach outside Rendezvous.


Tascha laughed again, "They got your number, eh, Professor?"

Don rolled his eyes, "So it seemed."

"We should get out of here," she said, fishing through her purse.

"Please, let me," Don grinned, easily getting his card out. "I've been dying to see you again, and this food has been wonderful."

"Okay but let me leave the tip. We've been taking up this booth forever."

"Is there somewhere we can take a walk?" Don asked. "If we're not going to be getting naked and sweaty, I'd like to stretch my legs while we talk."

"Sure, I know just the place, and maybe we'll get back to that other stuff later."


While there were several groups of people enjoying themselves on the beach, Don was disappointed to discover that there was no sign of Sage or the Maidenhead, and not even any gorgeous Price Is Right models about. He even checked in at the tavern where they had met the crew and captain on their first visit, but without luck. Don reasoned that, at least for now, he should assume that the watchers' council (thinking of them by this term made him laugh) had sent him to this location because it was the best place for him to run into Sage. At the very least, he could hang out here, more or less, for a few days. If Sage didn't show up in that time, he could decide on another course of action.

He spent the rest of the day there on the beach. Fortunately, it wasn't too long before a young woman asked him what he was doing there all by himself. Don looked up a pair of gorgeous long legs to see a lovely thin woman with full breasts, orangish red wavy hair hanging down to her shoulders, and blue eyes smiling down at him.

"I'm waiting for a friend," Don smiled back up at her.

"I could be your friend, if you like," she suggested with an undeniably Scottish accent. She held out her hand, which, considering the fact that they were both stark naked, struck Don as funny, and said, "Viola."

He took her hand and drew her down to join him on the beach blanket, "Well, Viola, I'm Don, and I would like that very much."

Don spent the rest of the day there on the beach with Viola, in an unusually monogamous affair. They got to know each other there on the blanket, went for a refreshing swim, which naturally included more play, and then returned to the beach for more fun. From time to time, Don cast a glance out at the water and the tavern, but there was no sign of the Maidenhead. As evening drew on, he and Viola went in to Rendezvous itself in search of some fruit and a change of scenery.

Not too far into the city they found a club called "Ambrosia's," which turned out to be a smoky little jazz club that provided not only fruit but an assortment of juices to enjoy. There was an actual jazz combo on the little stage, and there were cozy dimly lit booths, a bar, stand-alone tables with little candles, and a dance floor where a few couples were slowly swaying to the music. The smokiness was the oddest part, for there seemed to be no one smoking, and nothing cooking. Second to that was the fact that the three musicians (bass, piano, and drums) were completely clothed. The patrons were all mostly naked, though one woman had stiletto heels and very sexy fishnet stockings. A pair of waitresses with very short skirts and breasts pushed up nicely by tops that were much too small for their job moved about serving drinks and fruit to their guests.

After securing some fruit to satisfy their hunger, and sipping at their juices, Don suggested they dance. Viola was delighted by this idea, and, in a few seconds, he was on the dance floor with this beautiful, warm, naked, and very sexy woman in his arms, her body moving slowly against his own. Of course, his cock was rock hard between them, but since they had spent the afternoon having almost continual sex neither of them was in a hurry to get back to it. Again, Don found himself a bit amazed by how wonderful life was in Eros.

He was a bit surprised when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a man of decidedly Mediterranean appearance, with short, black hair, brown eyes, and an athletic physique. The stranger smiled and asked in a decidedly Italian accent, "May I cut in?"

Don looked down to Viola who smiled and shrugged. So, Don nodded to the new guy and stepped aside. As he slipped around to go back to the table with their drinks, Don noticed that Viola's new dance partner was blessed with a rather prodigious cock.

Leaning on the table and sipping his juice, Don watched Viola dance, and that dance was gradually getting more overtly sexual. The gentleman's hands were moving over her slender, pale body, lingering understandably on her butt. Viola was returning the favor, and soon the two of them kissed for a rather long time. Don expected they would soon be moving at least to one of the booths, and wondered what he should do in that event, but then a new guy appeared and tapped Viola's current dance partner on the shoulder.

This new fellow was black, with a light skin tone, close cut hair and beard, and a fit body. Don smiled a bit to himself as Viola began dancing with this guy, and the ritual of increasing heat started to repeat itself. The gentleman with the big dick looked around a bit, and eventually decided to join Don at his table. He smiled and said, "Hello, I'm Geraldo."

"Don," he smiled and extended his hand on this porn movies website.

"Viola is a lovely woman," Geraldo said, as he gestured for one of the waitresses.

"That she is!" Don nodded. "Do you come here often?"

"Most nights. It's my favorite club in the city."

After he got a few recommendations for other places to try, Don saw that Viola and her partner were again at a fevered pitch, and he decided to be mischievous. He excused himself from Geraldo, saying, "Don't go anywhere... actually, in a bit, follow my lead."

Then Don moved across the dance floor and politely cut in, taking Viola into his arms again.

"Oh, hello there, Don," Viola smiled up at him. "Welcome back!"

"Did you miss me?" he smirked.

"Of course!" she laughed. "I must say, though, that I have been kept very well entertained in your absence."

"That's good to know." He bent down and kissed her deeply.

As they swayed together, he made sure to continuously caress her body. For her part, Viola squeezed his butt in her hands and then reached between them to grasp his cock tightly in her hand. This might have led to mischief right there on the dancefloor, if Geraldo hadn't interrupted by cutting in again.

"Oh my!" Viola laughed as Don smiled and gave up his place.

He returned to their table to meet Viola's other dance partner, Daniel, who seemed to enjoy the game of getting Viola all riled up as much as Don and Geraldo. After a few rounds of the men taking turns dancing with fair Viola, Don asked Geraldo if there was a place nearby where they could take her that might be a bit more accommodating than the booths. Naturally, it turned out that there were rooms available upstairs. He told Geraldo what he had in mind, and then moved to take his turn with Viola. Don found himself remembering the situation he had orchestrated for Tascha back on their second day in the Manor.

"Are you having fun?" he asked after kissing Viola.

"Oh yes, very much!" she said in her adorable Scottish accent.

"Do you trust me?"

"I suppose so," she nodded. "What do you have in mind?"


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