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  • 2020. április 18.
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duhesoko még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2020.04.18. 13:01Státusz módosítva: Ma, 22:02

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My twin brother, Will, left school early one day for a doctor's appointment taking our car with him. This meant I would have to ride the bus home. It wasn't a big deal but I wasn't happy about it. However, during my penultimate class, Tyler sent me a text message saying he'd give me a ride home. I had mixed feelings about it. I was happy not to have to ride the bus and spend forty-five minutes of my afternoon with a bunch of my most annoying classmates on a journey that should only take fifteen and it would be great to have the house to myself even for a few moments until Will got home. But more than anything, I was worried about being alone with Tyler. He was a good guy and we got along well enough. It was just that in the month since he pulled me away from lunch and had me suck him off in the restroom, he had shoved his dick into my mouth at least once a week as if it was his right. "I don't know why you're complaining," he said one afternoon after school when I told him how I felt before he went to soccer practice. I was there because I sometimes stayed on campus and did some studying and homework while I waited for Will instead of taking the car home then coming back to pick him up. As Tyler pushed me to my knees in a dark, empty classroom, he continued, "You like sucking my dick. Why should I ask if we both know you'll do it?" Even though he was right, I was still annoyed. When I found Tyler in the parking lot, he was talking with a few of his friends, some of whom were also friends with Will. He barely greeted me as I approached. After a few minutes when he didn't acknowledge me further or seem eager to leave, I began to wonder if I had misread the text. I began to fidget and shuffle around feeling unwelcome. A few more minutes passed before I heard him tell the guys that he had to go in order to get me home. "You need to chill the fuck out," he said once we were out of earshot. Uncertain as to why he would say tha, I asked, "What do you mean?" "You were pacing like a little bitch." His tone bordered on nasty as we got into his car. It was a shiny black muscle car that was only two years old. Next to soccer, and probably sex, it was his favorite thing in the world. His scent permeated the air inside and I instinctually took a deep breath as he continued to speak. "I told you I'd give you a ride so I don't know why you were jittery. All you had to do was hang out and shoot the shit with us or stand there quietly. Acting like that makes people start thinking. If they start thinking, they start talking. And if people start talking, your brother will hear. I don't have a problem feeding you my dick and not talking about it. I don't want this to get out any more than you do. But if people start thinking we're dating or your brother finds out because you can't be cool, I'll kick your ass and make it known that you came after me. Got it?" "Yeah," I muttered. There was no hiding that I was upset and I heard him sigh heavily in frustration in response. While his words had stung, I was mostly upset that I was letting him treat me the way he was. I knew I should tell him to fuck off and that I was not going to be his play thing anymore but I couldn't. Even though he was acting like a douche, he was a good guy and had my back every bit as much as my brother did. Also, yet again, his words were true. I couldn't afford for Will to find out what I had been doing with Tyler. After a few minutes of tense silence, I said softly, "Sorry." "Whatever." When we arrived at my house, I quickly climbed out of the car and was slightly surprised when Tyler turned it off and got out to follow me inside. In response to my questioning look, he said, "I had planned on you just sucking me off in exchange for the ride. Now I'm going to fuck your mouth because you pissed me off." He finished with a slight smile and wink which tempered his words. He followed me up to my shared room and had me sit on the floor with my back against my bed. Familiar with the drill, I lowered his jeans and underwear in one go and took his hardening dick into my mouth. Unlike our previous encounters, I took my time licking and sucking every inch of his long, thick, veiny cock. "Fuck, Walt," he said after a lengthy groan. "I don't want to hear anymore shit from you. This isn't something you do if you don't like it. Not this well." I moved from his cock to give his balls some oral attention. Even when he was aroused they hung low. The outline of each large ovoid was prominent through the thin skin, resembling eggs in a plastic shopping bag. Like his cock, they were larger than average and I wondered, not for the first time, how he didn't injure himself every time he sat. I took my time alternately licking his salty sack and sucking each orb into my mouth while he slowly stroked himself above me. Kneeling in front of Tyler with his balls moving across my face while he worked his cock, I found myself hard in a way I hadn't been before. Part of it was from my nose being buried between his legs and smelling his musky teen scent. It was stronger than usual from being trapped in his jeans all day and I loved it. It was a mix of his powdery deodorant, a similarly scented soap and, most importantly, spicy, salty, musky, sweaty teenage boy crotch. He didn't wear cologne or body spray so everything that wafted from between his legs was him. I could fully believe the reason why I always submitted to him was because I was addicted to his scent. The other reason I was turned on was because being down on the floor, the difference in our sizes was extreme. At six feet five inches tall, he was already nearly a foot taller than me. With my head at his crotch, his was even further from mine. And with his large, broad hand working his huge dick in my face, I felt even smaller in his presence. I wasn't into gigantism or anything like that, but I did appreciate a tall guy. And with his long, brown hair flopping around his handsome face and his green eyes displaying unrestrained arousal, Tyler was the personification of many of my fantasies. For the first time while servicing him, I opened my jeans and fished out my own six inch erection feeling immediate relief as it escaped my tight jeans. As I took his cock back into my mouth I began to stroke mine. "I wondered about that," Tyler said with a chuckle. "I was starting to think maybe you didn't have a cock. You can work that gay little dick all you want, bro. Just don't get any shit on me when you blow, okay?" I nodded with his cock in my mouth then refocused on servicing him. From his long, but narrow, piss slit precum seeped steadily. Mostly sweet, there was more bitterness in its flavor today than usual and I liked the change. He wasn't ever a heavy leaker but he always produced enough of it to let me know it was there. And when he guided my head back to his balls a few times, a silver thread of it momentarily kept my lips connected to his tip. Whenever his cock was in my mouth, he gently thrust his hips against me. It was obvious he was enjoying the long, slow work I was performing. Soft sighs and moans along with more than a few curses periodically escaped him. His already hard cock became like a steel rod as he drew out his pleasure. I had to pause my work on my own dick a few times as I teetered close to my own release. As much as I was ready to shoot, I wanted to wait until Tyler had finished. From our previous encounters, when his thrusting became faster I thought it wouldn't be much longer. Tyler let out a deep moan as he leaned forward and rested his arms on my bed. In the process, my head tilted back uncomfortably as his cock drove deeper into my mouth. He rapidly increased the pace and force of his thrusting causing me to choke and gag as his crown hammered against the back of my mouth. I flailed around and pushed against him trying to escape or find a better position but he grabbed a fistful of my hair to hold my head steady. Combined with his larger body and steady motion he used little effort to keep me in place. "Calm down, dude," Tyler said as he continued to ride my face. "I'm almost done." I tried to relax but his hard deep, thrusting into the top of my throat was painful and stimulated my gag reflex each time. While I had been sucking cock for a while, I had never deep throated. It was mostly because, before Tyler, most of my friends' dicks were not much larger than mine and they all fit fully inside my mouth and barely touched the back of my tongue. With Tyler, I could only get about seven of his thick ten and a half inches inside my mouth comfortably. As he fucked my mouth it felt like he was trying to force himself deeper into my passage with each thrust and I choked and sputtered each time. My eyes watered and I could feel spit running out of the sides of my mouth. As Tyler's cock hammered into me I began to worry that he was going to injure me in some way. Just when I thought I couldn't take any more, he let out a deep grunt-growl and slammed into me. After the first thick shot of Tyler's ball juice left his cock, he pulled his hips back and slammed back into me releasing another volley. As his cock pulsed in orgasm, he continued to fuck his load into my mouth, each shot accompanied by a hard thrust. Unaccustomed to having my mouth used in such a manner, I choked and gagged each time his cock shot its cum into my throat. I could feel most of it leaking out of my mouth and running down the sides of my face and chin as his large head blocked my throat and prevented me from successfully swallowing. After a few more thrusts, I shuddered and thought I was going to pass out as my own body tensed in orgasm. I moved one of my hands from where it had pressed futilely against Tyler's abs trying to restrain his thrusts and grabbed my dick to help coax out my load. When he finally stopped moving and rested his drooling cock in my mouth, I relaxed some as well. For a few minutes the only sound in the room was his heavy breathing above me and the rhythmic sound helped to calm me. "Fucking hell, Walt," Tyler said tiredly as he raised himself from the bed and stumbled back a few steps. His eyes were dazed and a few strands of his hair were matted with sweat around his forehead. Out of his fly his cock hung heavily and still more than half hard. It shined with a combination of my spit and his cum. Even though his balls had been emptied, I saw a few thick drops of watery cum, the dregs of his load, fall from the end. "That was awesome. But you look like a goddamn glory hole." Glancing down, I could see cum stains on my shirt and jeans. It took me a moment to realize that they weren't all from Tyler's load escaping my mouth. My hand was still loosely wrapped around my soft dick and coated in my own cum. I could feel the mix of our fluids drying on my face and neck and frowned. I vaguely registered that my jaw was sore and my throat was raw from being orally abused by his cock. Feeling out of sorts, I stood and, upon seeing myself in the mirror on the closet door, I let out a groan of misery. I indeed looked like a well-used cum rag. Cementing that impression, Tyler walked up to me and wiped his dick on my shirt to clean it before tucking it away. "You'll get used to it. I'm going to be fucking your face whenever I can. And we gotta work on those deep throating skills. Tell Will I waited for him but had to go and that I'll text him later." Without caring about my response he was already out of the room when he finished his last sentence Alone, I stripped out of my shirt and jeans and, as I heard the faint, rumbling sound of Tyler's car starting, I went to the bathroom to get cleaned. I had just finished washing and was going back to the bedroom when I heard the front door open. Thinking maybe it was Tyler coming back for something he forgot, I went to the top of the stairs and saw Will approaching. "Why are you in your boxers?" "I was changing when I heard the door open." He grunted acceptance of that explanation as he climbed the stairs. As I went back to our room, I said over my shoulder, "Tyler dropped me off and said he'd text you later." "'K." When he entered the room behind me I heard him sniff the air. "It fucking smells like dick in here. What have you been doing?" "Sorry," I said feeling a bit of fear at my brother finding out what happened with Tyler. "I needed to bust a nut." "Smells like a whole team got off in here." Will narrowed his eyes at me. "Did you mess around with him?" "No," I said, trying to give my best offended tone. "I said I wouldn't. Tyler dropped me off, hung out for a bit waiting for you then left." Will continued to stare at me for a moment. I could tell he was trying to decide if he believed me. After a tense moment he dropped his back pack on his desk then left the room as he said, "Open the window or something." I felt bad lying to my brother but I knew telling him the truth would be even worse.


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