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cenforce150m még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2020.06.18. 12:12Státusz módosítva: Ma, 16:52

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Cenforce 150 Mg | Uses | Take | Warning

cenforce 150 mg is a pill containing sildenafil citrate. It is the drug having similar actions as other phosphodiesterase types 5 inhibitors have. It is used for erectile dysfunction treatment, a condition in which the correct erection of the penis doesn’t occur. Cenforce 150 mg works by correcting the blood flow in blood vessels for a exceed erection.

How To Work Cenforce 150 Mg?
Buy Cenforce 150mg tablet is go to classification of PDE-5 inhibitors. Who man a suffer to erectile dysfunction, human being to take cenforce 150 mg work tablet as a recommanded dosage. Cenforce tablet orally taken about 15 to 30 minutes the tablet being working. In Cenforce 150mg consist sildenafil citrate chemical which are growth cGMP level into body which help to increse the blood drif into blood vessels into body.

How To Take Cenforce 150 Mg?
Do not take Cenforce 150 mg if you have any allergic reaction to any one of the component of the drug. Also avoid taking Cenforce 150 mg, if you are on medicine which are also phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. Always consult your doctor before starting and stopping the drug.

Missed dosage
In some human being have missed dose to be taken as given dosage, special inform to do not forgot any dose during treatment who people are instreted in sex, be reminder before sexual activity. Do not forgot to take a tablet formerly sexual intercause.
Over dosage
In this case the patient do not any way to over dosage of tablet, if it’s happens in some case immediately go for close hospital or ask for call to pharmacist as well as soon.

Side Effect:
stomach upset
Abnormal vision
bone pain
breast enlargement
skin ulcers
sore throat
sudden weakness
deafness or hearing loss
dry eyes
dry mouth

Cenforce 150mg is contraindicated in patients who are under different medications to treat impotence or using a nitrate drug for chest suffering or heart issues.
This medicine is not for females and children.
Overdose of cenforce 150 mg medicine may lead to chest pain, nausea, rough heartbeat, and feeling mild-headed or fainting.

Storage this tablet cool and safe place.
Keep rich out from children or pets.
This tablet store below 27 to 30 board or room temprature.

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