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How to write a research summary? 


Essay forming has been a part of education framework and has been used over numerous requests to pass on contemplations and arguments, while moreover testing the students. Fortunately, paperhelpwriting makes this task easier for students nowadays. 

Research Summary. 

Articles and research are used as a form of generative knowledge, which clarifies information about the experiment and its results, and research usually contains seven main sections; Title, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, references, summary or research summary is a set of short and clear paragraphs containing the most important research information, and what it aims and results in a manner easy and clear to the reader.

Steps to summarize the research.

This is done in simple steps as follows: 

  • Define your focus; It is the first thing that you have to do, and is to scan the research first, that is, read it all from beginning to end, and then divide it into paragraphs.
  • Then you define your ideas and set your goal for summarizing the material, whether the purpose of this summary is to take notes to remind yourself at a later time about the material, or if it is intended to summarize it to include it as part of the research .
  • For each paragraph you read, find the basic sentences in it, or write the main point of each paragraph, and focus on the most important parts.
  • After reading through the paper and highlighting the most important key points, take notes in your own words, and rewrite your thoughts with slight changes to the wording; Because what is required of you is to be able to clearly explain the study in brief words and in your own way, provided that it is clear to those who want to read this research.
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Writing a research summary.

The purpose of the research summary is to give the reader a brief overview of the study, and to condense this information to help him understand the topic of the research, or to clarify information that was ambiguous to him, or he could not understand while reading the research, then write your first draft, and follow the paragraphs of the research conservatively. In the same order, the following are steps that may help you to write:

  1. In the beginning, write the research question and its title and explain the reason for being interesting and examining. This encourages the reader to read the paper, and it also helps you remember your goal of it and focus on its idea. 
  2. Place the tested hypotheses in bullet points without explanation.
  3. Briefly describe the methods that were used for the research, and how you analyzed the data.
  4. Write a description of the results and explain the main implications for them, while avoiding overstating the significance.
  5. Leave a space for modification, as you may give a brief explanation of the assumptions you used and their results, or amend some errors.
  6. Continue writing the paper while remaining focused on the desired issue, as long as it is brief, and avoiding details and generalities.
  7. It is important to write this summary that it is clearly presented to the study, so you must ensure that it is complete and accurate.
  8. Use easy, scientifically accurate concrete language, and avoid vague signs.
  9. Reread what you wrote, and have someone else read it, to see what is missing or how clear it is.



More Useful Resources:

Evidence style

Manage your college essays 



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