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  • 2021. március 28.
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JanetMcCullough még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2021.03.28. 13:01Státusz módosítva: Ma, 14:20


How to make your article live?

In writing, if there is no emotion, then your article is a dead article.

Think about it, how much emotion did you put into your writing? Reading an article is like going to see a person, who would like a person without feelings. In the same way, no one would like an article without emotion.

This is worth learning. So, have you studied yet? Essay forming has been a part of our guidance framework and has been used over numerous requests to pass on contemplations, arguments, and speculations, while moreover testing the students' information and appreciation of various subjects by paperhelpwriting.  

Closed-loop thinking has a beginning and an end.

In general, my article writing process: inspiration, data collection, refining ideas, filling in the frame, sorting and typesetting, WeChat publishing, and article filing.

Friends who follow my public account should be able to find that I have now written a lot of articles about "efficiency tools". Except for articles on business cooperation, every "efficiency tool" has basically undergone my own in-depth evaluation and experience. , Because I don’t want to write articles for the sake of writing articles, which violates the original intention of the official account.

But I don't know the tools and techniques mentioned in my article originally, it is impossible for me to know and use all the efficiency tools. In fact, I mentioned my input-output loop before. From a more complete perspective, it can be called a "closed loop".


Inspiration is actually why I thought of writing assessments and techniques for a certain tool.
On the one hand, it comes from myself, sharing some of my commonly used efficient tools and tips that I think are helpful to everyone.

On the other hand, I am concerned about related types of WeChat official accounts (such as retrograde dog, fruit peeling, TOOLS guide, etc.), Zhihu and other tool communities, etc. In order to find inspiration for tools, I want to maintain a moderate "hunger" "I am urged to think desperately and actively look for suitable materials. Even if I haven't used them, I can't resist it.


Before collecting materials similar to writing a graduation thesis, you need to download a bunch of literature materials on similar topics for "reference". To collect materials, I am used to summarizing different platforms. For articles on WeChat official accounts, I will send them to my WeChat first. A single group of people, with keywords at the same time, searched for materials on the search engine, and finally I made a collection of materials (including web pages, pictures, text, etc.) in the Microsoft Edge browser. I guarantee that you will study the structure of the essay together with best essay writing service 2021


Refinement is to build the frame of the article.
You need to refine the opinions of others, and you need to organize your own opinions after experiencing the tools.


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Schools Need to Teach the Hard History of Asian Americans 

Want to Build Anti-Racist Schools? Start With the Adults. 

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