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wingadgets még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2022.05.23. 09:09Státusz módosítva: Ma, 12:24

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Még nem történt vele semmi.


Gadgets in the global network covers a huge part of humanity. This manual is intended for users who are completely new to widgets.

What are informers, where to download for free? We will explore the breadth of widgets and gadgets in Windows 7. If we have the Windows 8 operating system installed, in this case the user does not need a third-party widget utility.

Let's say the system is Windows 7. In order to install Windows 8 widgets, click the mouse button in an empty space and click on Gadgets in the list.

Then a window will open with widgets and gadgets already, where we can install the one we need. Click the required widget and place them on the workspace of the table.

From now on, the gadget or widget will be on our desktop. Weather gadgets are among the most popular among users.

Widgets like this need a constant internet connection to parse weather data. Weather widgets here are win-gadgets.

Met can be static or animated. Weather can be parsed from multiple locations.

One of the reliable informers is the My Weather widget. This gadget looks very nice on the screen of the operating system.

For full-fledged work, the weather gadget will need to be configured. In the gadget config, you should drive in your city, reconciliation frequency, temperature units.

After we save the current settings, the widget will display the current weather at your workplace for several days in advance. Try and put a weather informer on your table.

Information plugins with information about the USD rate are required by all those who follow personal finances. In view of this, go to this portal where you can find a stylish gadget exchange rates.

Exchange rates on the desktop quickly set. In an extremely unfavorable situation abroad, the indices are floating every minute, so it is necessary to understand the directions in order not to spend our labor at all, but just in time to exchange rubles.

With the exchange rates gadget, you can maintain your personal funds and immediately respond to fluctuations on the stock exchange. Accidents can also affect the currency.

For even more tracking of personal funds, it is better to download the Brent oil price widget along with the Forex quote widget, they will complement each other. Perhaps you want to diversify your desktop, in which case there is no more reasonable solution like a clock for Windows 8 on the Internet.

Analog clocks can enhance every area of ​​the Windows 8 desktop. These clock gadgets come in both analog and digital clocks.

Along with the clock, you can even download the player as well as Google search. Or you can download the CPU load monitoring widget, and it will display the instant load of your CPU.


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