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Utoljára aktív: 2022.09.06. 14:02Státusz módosítva: Ma, 23:44

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How to Safely Protect Yourself From Excessive Cold


There are many ways to protect yourself from the cold. One of the best ways is to keep active, ideally at least a few times a week. Regular exercise increases blood circulation, keeps your body naturally warm, and boosts your immune system. Even if you don't have time to go to the gym, consult an online doctor  so you can perform simple exercises in your home. Here are a few suggestions:


Covering up


There are several ways to protect yourself from the cold weather. The first and most obvious way is to cover up. Clothing made from wool, cotton, or fleece is the warmest, so make sure that all exposed parts of your body are covered up. If you're inside, cover up with a warm sweater or coat, hat, and socks. The same principle applies to covering up while outside. For best results, cover up in the morning, and remove the outer layers as you arrive at work.


Cold air is trapped between layers, and it will insulate you more effectively than air can escape. Ensure that your outer garments are water-repellent, and include a hood. Keep your mouth covered. Cotton dries slowly and draws heat away from your body while synthetic fabrics wick moisture away from your skin. Keep in mind that even a wind chill of -20deg Fahrenheit can cause frostbite in 30 minutes or less. Signs of frostbite include numbness, white, or grayish-yellow skin, and waxy, white or grayish-yellow skin around your mouth.


Avoiding drinking on the job


Despite countless benefits, there is nothing quite like feeling your best. Being physically and emotionally fit will increase your resilience and allow you to weather life's challenges with greater ease. So how can you avoid drinking on the job to avoid excessive cold? Here are some tips:


Avoiding hypothermia


People with mental illnesses like dementia are at a higher risk of hypothermia, which can result in serious complications. Because people with dementia have impaired judgment may not dress appropriately for the cold or may not realize they're cold, they can end up outside in the cold for too long. Alcohol use can impair judgement about cold, making them more likely to become unconscious in cold weather. It is especially dangerous to drink alcohol while outdoors, as it gives people the false impression that it warms the insides of the body. Alcohol also causes the skin to lose heat.


The most important tip in preventing hypothermia is to dress appropriately. The colder the day, the more likely you are to develop hypothermia. To prevent this, wear appropriate outdoor clothing and use heat packs when necessary. If you have to exercise outdoors, wear extra layers of clothes that cover all body parts. If it's raining, make sure you have dry clothes or spare clothes in case the weather turns foul.


Avoiding bronchospasms


Bronchospasms are an uncomfortable condition that can affect anyone, but they are more likely to occur in people who suffer from asthma, allergies, or who are elderly. Bronchus spasms can be caused by several different factors, including dust, pollen, and chemical fumes. While these can be uncomfortable, they generally resolve themselves within two to three minutes.


Excessive cold can aggravate respiratory illnesses. For those with precarious respiratory balances, exposure to cold air can lead to an increase in bronchial inflammation , making symptoms worse. Exposure to irritants in the air can cause bronchospasm in people with asthma, but can also trigger a cough caused by exercise. Excessive humidity, exercise, or cigarette smoke can also cause bronchospasm.



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