
AudreySantiago profilja

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  • Csatlakozott
  • 2023. február 11.
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AudreySantiago még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2023.02.13. 04:04Státusz módosítva: Ma, 08:51

Mi újság nála?

2023.02.11. 11:11AudreySantiago új kedvence Jaime Lorente

2023.02.11. 11:11AudreySantiago új kedvence Laura Wiggins

2023.02.11. 11:11AudreySantiago új kedvence Kathryn Newton

2023.02.11. 11:11AudreySantiago új kedvence Ian Somerhalder

2023.02.11. 11:11AudreySantiago új kedvence Sofia Carson


I am a strong leader with exceptional communication and team-building skills with experience training and managing a team of IT professionals in a large office setting.I am iplwin online id create and betting on it. Computers are my first love, and my second love is music. When not using my computing knowledge to solve problems for businesses, I write open source programs for composing and mixing music. I also play keyboard in a band that performs regularly in small venues around the city. In addition to music, I love getting away from it all by taking camping trips with my friend. We enjoy leaving the city and technology behind for a while to hike, ride horses, and just spend time outside in nature.

Kedvenc sztárok

1 Rihanna
2 Neymar
3 Christian Lorenz
4 Nyertes Zsuzsa
5 Sofia Carson
további kedvencek


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