
honeyhuntingnepal profilja

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  • 2023. március 03.
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honeyhuntingnepal még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2023.03.13. 06:06Státusz módosítva: Ma, 15:11

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Honey hunting in Nepal is a customary practice in Nepal where individuals collect honey from wild bees living in cliffs and forests. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and is still prevalent today among the Gurung and Magar communities residing in the Himalayan foothills.

The primary source of honey collected is from Apis laboriosa, which is the world's largest species of honeybee. These bees construct their hives in high-altitude cliffs and are known for their hostile behavior, making honey hunting a dangerous activity.

Honey hunting occurs twice a year during the spring and autumn seasons. Hunters use traditional tools such as bamboo ladders, ropes, and baskets to access the hives and collect the honey. They also use smoke to pacify the bees before gathering honey.

The honey collected during the hunt is highly valued for its medicinal properties and is used in customary rituals and ceremonies.

However, honey hunting is facing challenges due to a decrease in bee population, deforestation, and disinterest from the younger generation. Conservationists are working to preserve this ancient tradition by promoting sustainable harvesting methods and forest conservation to safeguard the bee population.

In summary, honey hunting is a cultural and historic practice in Nepal that provides livelihood for many communities. Despite the danger and expertise required for the activity, conservation efforts are in place to preserve this tradition while promoting sustainability and preservation. 


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