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How to hide tape in extensions when putting hair up
If you are a hairstylist or someone who loves experimenting with tape-in extensions, you might have encountered the dilemma of hiding tape when putting hair up. Tape-in extensions are a great way to add length and volume to natural hair, but the tape can be visible when the hair is put up in certain styles. This can be especially frustrating if you want a sleek and polished look. But don't worry, there are several ways to conceal the tape in extensions when putting your hair up.

In this blog post, we will share practical tips for hiding tape in extensions when putting hair up. We understand the importance of creating a seamless and natural look with extensions, which is why we will provide step-by-step instructions and a list of necessary tools to achieve this. From choosing the right type of tape to strategically placing the extensions, we've got you covered.

Whether you are preparing for a special occasion or trying out a new hairstyle, hiding tape in extensions when putting hair up is a skill that every

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1. Choose the right tape-in extensions to match your hair color and texture.
When it comes to tape-in extensions, choosing the right color and texture is crucial if you want to hide them effectively when putting your hair up. Before you start shopping for tape-in extensions, take note of your own natural hair color and texture. This will help you to select the right shade and type of extensions to match your hair, so they blend in seamlessly. Investing in high-quality tape-in extensions is also essential, as cheaper or inferior quality options might be noticeable when your hair is up. When shopping for extensions, check out the texture and thickness of the hair as well, as these factors also impact the way they blend in with your natural hair. By taking the time to choose the right tape-in extensions for your hair, you can achieve a natural, effortless look even when you style your hair up.

2. Section your hair and apply the tape-in extensions in a straight line.
When it comes to putting your hair up with tape-in extensions, it's important to properly section your hair and apply the extensions in a straight line to achieve a seamless and natural-looking style. Before beginning, make sure your hair is thoroughly clean and tangle-free. Then, divide your hair into sections and use clips to separate them. Working with one section at a time, apply the tape-in extensions in a straight line along your scalp, ensuring that they are evenly spaced and securely attached. Repeat this process for each section until all the desired extensions have been applied. Avoid using excess hairspray or styling products which can make the tapes visible, and opt for a light hairspray to keep the hair in place. With these simple steps, you can confidently put your hair up while ensuring that your tape-in extensions remain hidden for a natural and sophisticated look.

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3. Use a hairbrush to smooth out any bumps or ridges caused by the tape-in extensions.
If you have tape-in hair extensions and want to put your hair up, you may be wondering how to hide them for a more seamless look. One effective technique is to use a hairbrush to smooth out any bumps or ridges caused by the tape-in extensions. Start by brushing the extensions and your natural hair together, working from the roots to the ends. Then, use the brush to gently smooth out any areas where the extensions may be more noticeable, such as near the nape of the neck or around the hairline. A paddle brush or a boar bristle brush can be particularly effective for this purpose. By taking the time to smooth out the bumps and ridges, you can enjoy a gorgeous hairstyle that also looks natural and effortless.

4. Create a hairstyle that hides the tape-in extensions such as braids, buns or ponytails.
If you're someone who regularly wears tape-in extensions, you may be wondering how to effectively hide them when putting your hair up. Fortunately, there are a few different hairstyles that work well for concealing tape-in extensions. One of the most popular options is to create braids, buns, or ponytails. These styles allow you to keep your extensions in place while keeping them out of sight. Braiding your hair before putting it up can create a seamless look and ensure that no tracks are visible. Similarly, a low bun or ponytail can help hide the extensions by keeping them close to your head. With these simple tips, you can create a variety of hairstyles that look natural and flattering while also keeping your tape-in extensions hidden.

5. Use hairpins to secure your hairstyle in place and make sure the tape-in extensions are not visible.
One of the challenges of wearing tape-in extensions is making sure they are not visible when putting your hair up. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem. Use hairpins to secure your hairstyle in place while making sure the tape-in extensions are not visible. Simply gather your hair into a ponytail or bun, and then use hairpins to secure the hairstyle while ensuring the extensions are hidden underneath. Make sure to use enough hairpins to ensure the hairstyle stays in place throughout the day. With this simple trick, you can wear your tape-in extensions with confidence and eliminate any worries of them being visible when styling your hair.

In conclusion, hiding tape-in extensions when putting hair up can seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques and products, it can be easily achieved. From using styling products to secure the extensions in place to creating clever updo styles, there are many ways to keep those pesky tape-ins from showing. With a little bit of practice and experimentation, you'll be able to confidently put your hair up without worrying about exposing your extensions.

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