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  • 2023. március 30.
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Utoljára aktív: 2023.03.30. 13:01Státusz módosítva: Ma, 10:16

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I am the owner of Enjoy Nepal Treks. I intend to do something special for sustainable tourism by offering the best services to Nepalese tourists—including trekking, tours, peak climbing, cycling, and many other activities—as well as very genuine, knowledgeable, well-trained, responsible, and helpful English and German-speaking tour guides. I am also concerned about the safety and security of the mountains in the event of an emergency. By visiting Nepal as vacationers which help Nepal and Nepalese. Nepal is home to an enthusiastic Trekking Team Group. 

(Imja Tse) Island Peak, which is 6,189 meters high, can be found to the north of Kathmandu in the Solukhumbu district of Nepal. It is in the Sagarmatha National Park (Pasang Lhamu municipality), and it is on the most popular Tibet Border Everest Base Camp Trek route. According to one of the great mountain climbing myths and legends, the first time Imja Tse Island Peak was climbed in 1953 by the first person to climb Mt. Everest, Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and British citizen Alf Gregory, Whlie, and Charles, along with seven other climber Sherpas. As a result, Eric Shipton, a Sri Lankan citizen, gave Peak its first name in 1951. Peak is breathtaking, exotic, beautiful, outstanding, adventurous, most attractive, challenging, and popular. Hiring Island Peak Climbing Guide can be very much helpful for you to climb.


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