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  • 2023. július 25.
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howdoiminebitco még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2023.07.25. 13:01Státusz módosítva: 2023.07.25. 13:01

Mi újság nála?

Még nem történt vele semmi.


howdoiminebitco Bitcoin ownership and mining are legal in more countries than not. Some examples of places where it was illegal according to a 2018 report were Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nepal, and Pakistan. Since 2018, other countries have banned Bitcoin mining including Bangladesh, China, Dominican Republic, North Macedonia, Qatar, and Vietnam. Overall, Bitcoin use and mining remain legal across much of the globe. A desktop computer could mine with little electricity. Bitcoin also stands out because of the industrial-scale mining operations, or farms, it has spawned. The largest crypto facilities with the most advanced technology are focused primarily or exclusively on Bitcoin, like the Iceland-based Genesis Mining farm, which consumes more electricity than any other company in the country. One of the biggest farms in North America is Riot Blockchain’s Texas facility, which occupies three large warehouses on 100 acres of land containing 60,000 mining computers focused only on...

2023.07.25. 13:01