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yohad még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2023.10.19. 05:05Státusz módosítva: Ma, 00:16

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An offset printer consists of various components: the paper supply unit, one or more printing units, a transfer device for passing the paper through the printer, the paper exit unit, and the printer control panel.

Below is the structure of a printing unit in an offset printer, which comprises three main axes: the plate cylinder, the rubber cylinder, the impression cylinder, as well as the dampening system and the ink supply system.

Plate Cylinder:
It is a metallic cylinder with the printing elements on the plate, where the ink-receptive elements capture ink and the non-printing elements capture water.

Rubber Cylinder:
It is a cylinder covered with an offset rubber sheet, composed of a fabric layer coated with synthetic rubber to transfer the image from the plate onto the printing material's surface.

Impression Cylinder:
It is a cylinder that remains in constant contact with the rubber cylinder, responsible for conveying the paper and other printing materials.

Dampening System:
It is a system of dampening rollers using a dampening solution containing additives such as acid, gum arabic, isopropyl alcohol, or other moistening agents.

Ink Supply System:
The ink supply system in an offset printer serves four functions: firstly, it guides the ink from the ink fountain roller to the plate; then it spreads the thick ink layer into a thin and even layer on the transfer rollers. It transfers the ink onto the printing elements on the plate. Lastly, it removes residual ink on the ink rollers from previous printing jobs.

Other Important Components:
In addition to the printing units, a single-color or multi-color offset printer also includes the following components:

Paper Feeder: It is responsible for feeding paper and other printing materials from the paper supply table to the first printing unit.

Transfer Devices: Typically, these are gripper bars on cylinder axes that transport paper through the printer.

Paper Exit Unit: It is the unit that receives the printed paper and ensures the even stacking of the paper sheets on the paper exit table. 


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