
ledbackpack67 profilja

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  • 2023. november 28.
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ledbackpack67 még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2023.12.06. 02:02Státusz módosítva: Ma, 08:15

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It can be used as a communication device
A LED backpack is a great way to express yourself, and can even be used as a communication device. It can display text, fashionable and attractive images, or GIF animations. You can use it anywhere, whether you’re at school, a night out, or at the airport. It’s also a great way to show your sports allegiance, support political candidates, or bring attention to a public welfare issue.

To run the backpack, you’ll need a power bank that has a USB Type-A connection port. You can find one that fits the backpack easily by checking the measurements of the backpack and comparing them with your power bank. Before gluing on the LEDs, make sure you attach the + side of the LED to the copper wire on the inside of the backpack. This will ensure that the LEDs turn on and off properly. Once you’ve completed this step, you’re ready to start using your LED backpack. 

Led Backpack 

Led Knight Backpack 

Led Display Backpack 

Pix Led Backpack 


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