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trimlonghairyou még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2024.04.22. 14:02Státusz módosítva: Ma, 16:22

Mi újság nála?

Még nem történt vele semmi.


trim long hair yourself Depending on your curl pattern and your hair shape, you may want to find a video more tailored to your desired end result. YouTube is your friend. Remember that curly hair has a mind of its own, so be patient and work in small sections. For men, "it's all about the desired end result," says Brook. A classic crewcut may require a completely different plan of action than a textured pompadour or low fade look—compared to trimming the ends off long hair, which more or less has the same technique again, we refer to our DIY haircutting tutorial linked above. So approach the task with that certain end goal in mind. And unless you have ample experience with this, we recommend the simpler, the better. If your hair is past your shoulders, part it, and then place it in front of your shoulders “as though you are making pigtails,” says Massey. Then, with your hair in front of your chest and using the point-cutting technique, trim evenly across the ends of each side. The key to this and all at-home haircuts is to cut less than you feel initially inclined to: You can always go back and trim more later.


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