
siamkick fight profilja

siamkick fight  
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  • 2024. május 27.
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siamkick fight még nem állította be a státuszát

siamkick fight
Utoljára aktív: 2024.05.27. 06:06Státusz módosítva: Ma, 09:11

Mi újság nála?

2024.05.27. 06:06siamkick fight új képeket töltött fel a fotóalbumába.


The SIAMKICK® journey started in 2010 on the outskirts of Phuket, Thailand, as a way to etch the beauty and culture of Muay Thai, or Thai boxing, into wearable fightwear. Over time, we have blended casual elements into our product lineups while maintaining authentic designs and colors in order to cater to the ever-growing diversity of kickboxers.

Furthermore, mindful of the performance-driven mentality that characterizes combat apparel, SIAMKICK has made it our mission to provide supreme flexibility and durability for an improved range of motion by using high-grade satin silk threads in the production of our Muay Thai shorts. Despite our rapid evolution (of which we are very proud), the central pillar that has anchored our every move forward since SIAMKICK's establishment has always been to promote Muay Thai worldwide by putting out authentic and high-quality products that are made by Thai hands.

As of now, SIAMKICK is a Bangkok-based company, with the majority of our products being stored in and shipped from the United States. We are driven every day to ensure men, women, and children around the globe can enjoy our Muay Thai Kickboxing shorts while finding pleasure in all walks of life. Everything we do is fueled by one passion: to encourage and inspire a global community of fighters to live their best lives every day. 



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