
Angelina Jolie - Gia

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2007. február 09. 12:31 #1
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+ Elizabeth Mitchell, Faye Dunaway, Scott Cohen
2007. február 09. 15:32 #2
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Ez a film is tervben van. Majd egyszer...
2007. február 09. 20:02 #3
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koszi a kepeket!
2007. február 11. 00:58 #4
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KÖSZI NAGYON A KÉPEKET!!!! Hiányzott már a gyüjteményembõl smileeee.gif
2007. február 14. 21:27 #5
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Köszön szépen. smileeee.gif
2009. szeptember 09. 23:47 #6
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Most má' brutálisabb minõségben.

Az utolsó két képet meg én raktam össze eggyé wub.gif beer.gif
2009. szeptember 10. 06:55 #7
StátuszA Big Angelina Jolie Fan
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thank u so much for this amazing screencaps of my impossible love, angelina wub.gif
2009. szeptember 17. 05:37 #8
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The British have always been a nation of sport lovers and interest in all types of sports. Many sports

which nowadays are played all over the world are from Britain. Football is perhaps the best example,

but among the others are horse-racing, golf, lawn tennis and rowing.
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Many people, both foreigners and British, consider cricket to be the most typically English of sports.

It is true that cricket, unlike football, has until recently remained a specifically British game,

played only in Britain, in some parts of the British Commonwealth and in Denmark.
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But it would be wrong to say that cricket is the most popular British Sport: that is, undoubtedly,

football. Nevertheless, it remains true that for most English the sight of white-flannelled cricketers

in the smooth green turf of a cricket pitch represents something that is traditionally English.
Cricket and football, however, are merely the two most popular sports in Britain: there are many

others. wow gold In the summer, lawn tennis probably comes next in

importance to cricket. There are clubs in every town and in all the parks. There are public courts

where tennis may be played for an hour on payment of about one pound. Swimming is very popular and

there are many public swimming baths.
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not so many facilities. The annual Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge universities on the rive

Thames is, however, one of the most popular sporting events of the year. Golf is becoming increasingly

popular and many clubs have to turn prospective members away.
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The most popular winter sport is football. Skiing is impossible in Britain. In order to take part in

them more and more people spend winter holidays on the Continent.
One reason for the great interest in sport in Britain is the Englishman’s fondness for a little bet.

Gambling has always been an integral part of such sports as horse-racing and dog-racing and in recent

times, doing the ‘football polls’ has become a national pastime. But whether as gambler, spectator or

player, most Englishmen have some interest in at least some sports.
2009. október 20. 22:42 #9
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thank you!
2009. október 23. 02:13 #10
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2010. július 12. 21:08 #11
StátuszA Big Angelina Jolie Fan
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