
Pammy Anderson For Three

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2005. március 03. 05:14 #1
visszatérő vendég
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Csatlakozott: 04.12.28.
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wish they were no the kepek I mean _nevet.gif
2005. március 03. 14:46 #2
White Bull
White Bull
Bull Skywalker
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Csatlakozott: 04.10.07.
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Nice. When did You start learning hungarian??? biggrin.gif

Not just the kepek be bigger, I think the breasts too...
2005. március 03. 23:25 #3
Kwisatz Haderach
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Csatlakozott: 04.10.07.
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Idézet(houndog @ 2005, March 3. - 04:59)
wish they were no the  kepek I mean _nevet.gif

Bigger images, smaller boobs... less botox...that would be perfect biggrin.gif beer.gif 110.gif
2005. március 04. 06:32 #4
visszatérő vendég
    Csoport: Tag
Csatlakozott: 04.12.28.
Hozzászólás: 247
Csatolások: 363
Azonosító: 2449
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Idézet(White Bull @ 2005, March 3. - 14:31)
Nice. When did You start learning hungarian??? biggrin.gif

Not just the kepek be bigger, I think the breasts too...

gonna join in better learn funny but I find a lot of english only speaking pepole a little ignorant they assume anyone can understand english if you speak it sl ow ly enough................. english is my native languauge but I speak a little of this and that...."one can at least try" beer.gif

as I always say.... persistance is fertile.

anyway enough heavy shit back to the ladies
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