
Lucy Beale profilja

Lucy Beale  
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  • 10 barátja van
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  • Csatlakozott
  • 2013. április 13.
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Do not make it to France on vacation!

Lucy Beale
Utoljára aktív: 2014.02.22. 20:08Státusz módosítva: 2013.06.22. 14:02

Mi újság nála?

2014.02.22. 20:08Lucy Beale és Noémi0123 mostantól barátok

2013.08.02. 18:06Lucy Beale és Dorciii98 mostantól barátok

2013.06.14. 16:04Lucy Beale és Schumi24 mostantól barátok

2013.06.03. 14:02Lucy Beale és Karolina mostantól barátok

2013.06.03. 12:12Lucy Beale és nikci38 mostantól barátok



M y name' s Lucy Beale and I live in dad's got a chip shop and we live in the flat above it.

The chip shop  is my home,my workplace and a great place to hang outh with friends.

During the week I usually wake up at 6:30 and help my mum at the shop.

I cleans the floor.
Then I go to scool.

I get home at about 4:00 in the afternoon.There aren't homework there.Then, I have dinner.

I rarely have fish and chips becaulse I'm bored of it.In the evening my friends someties come to the shop.

Wev play video games or just sit around and talk.I don't work at the shop every evening.

I work at three times a week.Twice a week  I work till 8pm and once a week,on Saturdays, till 10pm.

I enjoy working at my dad's chip shop, but every evening I always have a long shower because I smell of fried fhis!
Hate it!

Kedvenc sztárok

1 Britney Spears
2 Jennifer Aniston
3 Christina Aguilera
4 Nicki Minaj
5 Lady Gaga
további kedvencek



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visszatérő vendég


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alexaa01 Hi Lucy!good your profil!

2013.05.16. 17:05

kicsikinga00 szia hogy vagy?

2013.04.24. 17:05