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hieudanglb még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2021.11.02. 18:06Státusz módosítva: Ma, 21:33

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A lot of mythology and superstition about the clover with four leaves. As a youngster I vividly remember sitting in the backyard with my dad in search of four-leaf clover, he was able to detect one mile away.

Our new office, located in central Fayetteville, Georgia, has an awesome patch of the clovers!

The odds of finding the four-leaf clover is 1:10,000 that's very lucky if you find one.

Many hundreds of years ago in Ireland the four-leaf clover became an emblem of luck, with the four leaves symbolizing faith, hope, love and success (see more here:

It is believed that the Druids (Celtic priests), in the early days of Ireland believed that if they carried three-leaf clover, or shamrock they could see evil spirits approaching and have the opportunity to escape in time. Four-leaf clover were Celtic charms, presumed to offer magical protection and protect against bad luck. Children in the Middle Ages believed if they carried a four-leaf clover, they would be able see fairies, and the first literary suggestion of that they were lucky was made during 1620 by Sir John Melton.

 Factual Information About Four Leaf Clovers from Better Homes and Gardens

There are about 10,000 three-leaf clovers for every "lucky" four-leaf clover.
There aren't any clover plants which naturally produce four leaves that's why four-leaf clovers are so rare.
The leaves of four-leaf clover are believed to represent trust, hope, love, and luck.
It's often said that Ireland is home to more four-leaf clover varieties than any other place, giving meaning to the phrase "the luck of the Irish."
If you're fortunate enough to find a four-leaf clover, take a look around for other varieties! If a clover plant has the four-leaf variety, it's more likely another four-leaf lucky charm , as opposed to plants that produce only three-leaf clover.
The fourth leaf could be smaller or a different shade of green as the other three leaves Shamrocks and four-leaf clovers are not identical; the word "shamrock'" only refers to a clover having three leaves.  


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