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3 steps to write essay
It's time to deepen your knowledge of each cultural text cited earlier. Recall its content, read the various reviews and juxtapose them with your own views: which do agree with and which do you disagree with? Maybe, it is worth using these positions? Complete the map with new cards (one for each cultural text) containing new information to expand your knowledge about them.
If you have any new useful associations, thoughts, reflections, write them down.
Talk to competent people about the topics you are interested in, listen to what they have to say, if there is interesting information in their conversation, include it in your notes, if they challenge an opinion essay writer cannot defend - reject it.
Read what has been written about the issue, what positions have been taken. Comment on them. Ask yourself, what is your position and how does it compare with tradition? Include all new and useful information on your mind map.
STEP 2: EDITING Collect all thoughts into relatively independent units of meaning (work on each one separately), edit them linguistically, compose properly structured paragraphs, give them titles and sub-titles. Also consider the use of key words or leitmotifs that will increase the coherence of the work.
Read through each section again, verifying the linguistic correctness of its composition and title. Think again about the order of the paragraphs. Use the mind map you made at the beginning to help you. Also note whether the titles and sub-titles form a sensible and logical whole. Then write my essay the paragraphs in the correct order, ensuring that the work is consistent and not forgetting the subheadings.
At the end, choose a neat motto, reflecting the content of the essay, indicating the perspective adopted, etc. STEP 3. BACK TO THE BEGINNING Write the introduction of the essay. Don't even think of a characterization of the era or a biography of the writer. A much better solution is to pose questions. You can start with: the middle, i.e. a description of the key character, plot, problem, which you will make the structural axis of the whole piece; The introduction should introduce the topic, encourage you to read and generally outline how the subject of the essay will be approached. Related indormation
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