How to Define your Own Keyboard Shortcuts on your iPhone
Apple develops not only useful applications, such as an phone call recording app, play games, read books, etc. Apple introduced text expansion in iOS but did not make much of a big deal about it. But text expansion is a really useful feature that helps to save you a lot of time that would have been wasted in typing routine things like your phone number, your residential address, or even your email address. What’s more, if you’re the texting freak and don’t want to come off as a textaholic to your boss/college lecturer/ grandparents, you can simply use the abbreviation as a shortcut to the expanded phrase.
For example, you can set a shortcut as “brb” which when entered would display as “be right back” to the recipient of the message. But for this to work, you need to first set up a text expansion facility on your iPhone. Here’s how you should go about it:
On your iPhone’s Home Screen, find and tap on the ‘Settings’ tab
In the Settings interface, tap on ‘General’
Next tap on the ‘Keyboard’ tab
Scroll down to the bottom and tap on ‘Add New Shortcut’
Under the ‘Phrase’ section, type in the phrase that you want your shortcut to reflect. Under the ‘Shortcut’ section, type in the codeword that you want to actually type from now on. For instance, if you want to set ‘thx’ to expand into ‘Thank you so much!’, then enter ‘thx’ in the ‘Shortcut’ section and ‘Thank you so much!’ in the ‘Phrase’ section.
Tap on Save when you’re finished setting the shortcut.
Repeat Steps 4-6 for each new keyboard shortcut that you wish to add.
You may ask here, “If my shortcut forms a part of another word, will the shortcut still expand to the phrase? “ The answer here is no. Your shortcut is activated only after you leave a space after typing in the shortcut. For example, if your email signature’s shortcut is ‘sig’ and you want to type the word’ signature’ in a completely unrelated text message, the shortcut won’t be expanded after ‘sig-‘. Only after you type ‘sig’ and then hit the space bar will your email signature be displayed.
Here is a list of shortcuts that you can use to substitute some routine phrases and sentences:
EML- <> , this would be a convenient solution to entering your complete email-address each time someone asks you for it
PHN- <enter your phone no. here>, again a convenience as opposed to entering your phone number each time
SIG- <your email signature>, in case you don’t want your email signature to be attached in each mail that you send, just type SIG where you want it to be included
BRB- <be right back!>, 1 word for 3, got to love that!
CTCL- <can’t talk now, will call you back later!> will soothe the nerves of the caller whose call you just rejected/didn’t answer.
FMIN- <be there in 5 minutes!> when you know you’ll reach in 5 minutes but cannot afford to waste a minute simply on typing the same
The shortcuts are case-sensitive so be careful about upper cases and lower cases when setting your shortcuts.
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