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  • 2023. február 25.
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chrisdedrick még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2023.02.28. 21:09Státusz módosítva: 2023.02.25. 21:09

Mi újság nála?

2023.02.25. 21:09chrisdedrick új képeket töltött fel a fotóalbumába.


If we’re gonna do labels, then I’m a software engineer, designer, copywriter, speaker, golfer, and daddy.
But really, I’m just a freedom-loving. I also have great hair.
Here are a few more Very Important Facts you need to know: I created Thesis, a modular replacement for the WordPress Theme system. It makes smarter, faster, and more agile websites—like this one! I also created Focus, the world’s fastest WordPress Theme and the only one you can actually manage over time. I discovered Golden Ratio Typography—the key to gorgeous text and programmable layouts with perfect proportions.
My daughter, Presley, is 8 years old. Somehow, her hair is even better than my hair!
My son, Maksim, is 2.15 years old. Somehow, he ended up with red hair!
I make 500mL of extremely snooty pourover coffee every morning, and I drink it black. I stay in great shape and keep my energy levels high by walking while golfing or playing disc golf, doing resistance training, and maintaining a high fat, low carb (HFLC) diet. Speaking of golf, I lived an unbelievable story shortly after the death of my dog, Mr. B. (Grab some tissues if you read this!) I live in Austin, Texas, and have a thing for mid-century modern architecture.
My site


Chris Dedrick.jpeg


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