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gecif97026 még nem állította be a státuszát

Utoljára aktív: 2023.04.25. 09:09Státusz módosítva: Ma, 17:09

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Happiness in each person's life is living in the love of grandparents and parents, happiness is that we have "There I find it". Family is the source of each of us, the motivation for each of us to strive on the road of life, Family is the warmest and most loving place and no one gives us as much love and care as our parents. . When you go away for business, when you need the most encouragement, when you feel the most difficult, family is the first place we think about, No matter how old you are, you are still a child. Daddy's darling, mother's darling, Grandpa's beloved grandchild... A happy family is when together taking care of chubby children, teaching them to walk, and watching them walk on the life path they choose, " "áo gia đình
 " happiness is sometimes just being together through rainy days as well as windy days, seeing each other still next to each other, reaching out to come, opening your eyes and seeing each other's silhouettes...

Sayings of love, acts of affection, priceless gifts, and special days such as wedding anniversary, grandparents' birthday, children's birthdays, or the time the children go to work. Coming back home to celebrate Tet with family are all wonderful moments. All are "memories of happiness". They need to be kept at the same time. Your beautiful children, they are growing up day by day, You are the one who notices it most clearly. Save those times and assemble them into an album, and that album will become a priceless, irreplaceable object. It is the pride of parents that is the memory of all the years of raising children.

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Life is getting faster and faster, no one remembers what their family members were like in the past, when they shared the same roof, the whole family was happy and sad. The hustle and bustle of work and the busyness of life make it impossible for you to have time to think about your family. So keep the beautiful things and carry and look at them every day. You can store memories with three kinds of images: Images with thoughts: The things that appear in your mind are images that only you see. The brain has the ability to remember many things, especially the very special things, the longer it will be remembered. But most of us only remember when there is an association, like when you see a boy smiling you remember the moments when your child was playing. And that means you can at any time without a link for you at all. As we age, our ability to concentrate or remember decreases.

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Film images, albums: are printed photos that you can hold and store them. Photos always last up to several hundred years depending on how important you are. When the first camera was made, it was meant to preserve the image. And the image can be held in your hand, placed in a purse, etc. To help you recall memories when you need it. When the children grow up, give them pictures of when mom is pregnant, when they are 1 month old, 1 year old and 5 years old.. Pictures of mom and dad and they will laugh in happiness! If you are a careful person, you should choose a sturdy and durable image material. 


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