
Stephenie Meyer - Unknown Shoot

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2009. július 24. 16:24 #1
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1 felhasználónak tetszik: duracell
2009. július 25. 01:53 #2
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StátuszJust Chilling
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Csatlakozott: 07.06.20.
Hozzászólás: 69
Csatolások: 0
Azonosító: 32659
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Thank you very much for these haven't seen them before. But i've kind of wondering where her wedding ring???? Is she not married anymore???
2009. július 25. 02:03 #3
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Idézet(miss_sweetness @ 2009. July 25. - 01:53)
Thank you very much for these haven't seen them before. But i've kind of wondering where her wedding ring???? Is she not married anymore???

I don't know where is her wedding ring, but she is married now smileeee.gif
Your welcome smileeee.gif
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