
Dani Cimorelli

Dani Cimorelli Dani Cimorelli nemzetisége 1576. 283rajongó 29vélemény
  • Értékelés
  • tehetség: 95%
  • stílus: 92%
  • szimpátia: 94%
  • Születési név
  • Danielle Nicole Cimorelli
  • Becenév
  • Dani, Dan, Big D
  • Születési idő
  • 2000. június 15.
  • Születési hely
  • El Dorado Hills, Kalifornia, Egyesült Államok
  • Foglalkozás
  • énekesnő
  • Családi állapot
  • hajadon
  • Magasság
  • 176 cm
  • Eredeti hajszín
  • barna
  • Szemszín
  • zöld
  • Csillagjegy
  • Ikrek
  • Linkek
  • Hivatalos weblap
  • Twitter-oldal
  • Starity RSS-csatorna
  • Kapcsolódó sztárok
  • Lisa Cimorelli Katherine Cimorelli Christina Cimorelli Amy Cimorelli Lauren Cimorelli

Cimorelli - Last Summer (Official Video)

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Dani: So Dani likes this guy a lot, but can't tell if he likes her or her friend, but they hang out and stay friends hoping it'll lead to something more.

Lauren: Lauren just seems super afraid to get into things with this new guy, maybe because she's afraid what happened in her last relationship will happen with this guy too so she ghosts him by running away. Maybe she's not ready.

Amy: Amy's hanging with what seems like your typical 'popular' pretty girls who are maybe treating Amy as less than them so Amy's like HELL NAH.

Lisa: Lisa's just having a crap ton of fun with this guy she likes and so they'll probs end up together.

Katherine: Katherine likes this guy but she isn't 100% sure about it so she confides in her sister and says go for it and so she does and it works out and it's cuteness overload.

Christina: She dates a douchepants and seems to realize it but holds off for awhile contemplating breaking up and then she finally does.

Cimorelli - Heart On Fire

Cimorelli - "Live Forever" by the Band Perry/"I am Invincible by Cassadee Pope mashup

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Cimorelli legújabb klippje.

Cimorelli - Fight song

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A Cimorelli legfrissebb videóklippje a Figth Song.

Dani Cimorelli Robbers By the 1975

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Dani Cimorelli Cover!

Renegade (hitehagyott)

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A Cimorelli legújabb videoklipje:)

Cimorelli - What I Do (Original Song)

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A Cimmorelli lánybanda egy újabb saját dala.

"Treasure"by Bruno Mars - cover by CIMORELLI!

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Wow! What an INCREDIBLE tour this has been!!! Thank you all SO much for watching
our videos, buying our music, supporting us and making this all possible. We
would NOT be here without you!!!
Enjoy some of the highlights from our Made In America promo tour and our cover
of Treasure! Be sure to check out our Made in America EP on itunes and please request Made in America at your local radio stations! :)

FOLLOW US on the sites below to know where we're going and how you can meet us!
We have a lot of shows and appearances coming up in the next few months so be
sue to come if you can! :)

CIMORELLI on TOUR!! Behind the Scenes

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A lot of you guys have been asking us how life on the road is so here's a tour of our bus! This is seriously SO CRAZY. Can't believe we are on a bus tour!!! Thank you guys SO MUCH for supporting us and getting us here!!! Also, special thanks to our sponsor Lorna Jane Active Wear ( for helping make this possible! :)
If you wanna meet us on our US tour, follow us on instagram and Facebook and we will have all the dates and locations posted there! :)

"Mirrors" by Justin Timberlake, cover by CIMORELLI feat James Maslow

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Utolsó frissítés: 2018.08.14. 19:07 által

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