
Walt Disney

Walt Disney Walt Disney nemzetisége 622. 892rajongó 105vélemény
  • Értékelés
  • tehetség: 100%
  • stílus: 98%
  • szimpátia: 99%
  • Születési név
  • Walter Elias Disney
  • Becenév
  • Walt bácsi
  • Élt
  • 1901.12.05 – 1966.12.15.
  • Születési hely
  • Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • Foglalkozás
  • producer, író, (szinkron)színész
  • Családi állapot
  • nős, 2 gyermek
  • Partner
  • Lillian Disney
  • Magasság
  • 178 cm
  • Eredeti hajszín
  • barna
  • Szemszín
  • barna
  • Csillagjegy
  • Nyilas
  • Linkek
  • IMDB-adatlap
  • Hivatalos weblap
  • Starity RSS-csatorna
  • Kapcsolódó sztárok
  • Julie Andrews

Walt Disney életrajza

Walter Elias Disney 1901. december 5-én született Chicagóban a protestáns Disney család negyedik gyermekeként. A kis Walt élete nem volt „leányálom”, kemény munka és vasszigor töltötte ki az életét, játékra, barátokra nem jutott ideje. Hétévesen hajnali fél négykor már dolgozni indult, újságokat hordott ki, de a bérházak meleg folyosóin időnként elszundított munka közben, vagy megesett, hogy elhagyott gyerekjátékokra lelve a hajnal első fényeinél játszani kezdett.

Egy ideig egy idilli farmon is éltek, ez volt gyerekkora legszebb időszaka. A rajzolás iránti vágya is itt mutatkozott meg először, amikor egy kátrányos hordóból ihletet és „festéket” merítetve kidekorálta a házuk falát.
A játszástól megfosztott, korán érő kisfiú azonban jó üzleti érzékre tett szert, s 1919-ben úgy döntött, reklámgrafikusi pályára lép, apja nem túl nagy örömére.

Az első felvevőgép aztán hamar a filmgyártás irányába fordította, majd egymást követték a sikerek és kudarcok.
Kacagráf (Laugh-O-Gram) címmel szatirikus kisfilmeket gyártott, amelyeket mozikban vetítettek, majd ezen a néven indította el vállalkozását. Az anyagi nehézségek miatt gyakran szorult hitelekre: a borbély a rajzaiért ingyen vágta a haját, mások hiteleztek neki ételt, vagy egyszerűen elengedték a tartozásait. Karrierje csúcsán, akárcsak a mesék szegénylegénye, ő is megemlékezett jótevőiről, és igyekezett viszonozni a segítségüket.

A rajzfilmgyártás az 1920-as évek elején még rendkívül fejletlen iparág volt, amikor nagy kockázatot jelentett egy „cartoon network” ötlete. Walt mégis emellett tette le névjegyét, számos technikai újítást vitt véghez. A rajzfilmgyártók rájöttek, hogy az állatok szerepeltetése könnyebb, és jobban is fogadja a közönség, ráadásul a rajzfilmfigurák elnyűhetetlenek, így a végtelenségig fokozható az agreszszió. A rajzfilmben bármi megtörténhet a szereplővel: meg sem gyűrődik, ha átmegy rajta a vonat, vagy dacolva a gravitáció törvényeivel, nem zuhan bele a szakadékba sem.

A némafilm válságba kerülése a húszas-harmincas években begyűrűzött a rajzfilmgyártásba is, anyagi és művészeti krach formájában. Ekkor kezdték el a filmeket tuningolásképp hangszerelni, melyben Disney cége elöl járt. Miki egér az alkotó szerint éppen a hangosításnak és a technikai újításoknak köszönhette a sikerét, hangja sokáig maga Walt bácsi volt.

Disneyt amúgy „magányos farkasként” tartották számon, kevesek felé kötődött érzelmileg, egyik bátyja és később a felesége, gyerekei álltak csak igazán közel hozzá. Disney lélekben megmaradt örök gyereknek, megszállottan rajongott a vasutakért, felnőttkorában is legkedvesebb szórakozása a kerti kisvasút volt, melyen minden házába látogatót megutaztatott.

Ő már nem csak a gyerekeket tartotta egyedóli célközönségnek. Gazdasági szempontból egyébként rendkívül jó döntésnek bizonyult a mesegyártás, hiszen a klasszikus történeteket bármikor le lehetett porolni, nem mentek ki a divatból. Az is a rajzfilmeknek kedvezett, hogy 1940 után a gyerekek száma jelentősen megnőtt: Amerika lakosságának egyharmada 14 éven aluli gyerek volt.

Másrészt Hollywood ekkor lépett a „nagykorúság útjára” is, vagyis egyre jobban divatba jött a meztelenség és a szexualitás ábrázolása, amely kíváncsiságot, de zavart is okozott a nézőkben. Ennek köszönhetően megnövekedett a tömegigény az úgymond családbarát filmekre is, ami szintén Disney malmára hajtotta a vizet.
A halála utáni Disney-művekben sűrűn bukkantak fel olyan jelenetek, melyeket a néhai tulajdonos nem vállalt volna.

A kalandfilmek bukása még inkább a mesék felé terelte a stúdiót, ekkor körvonalazódott Waltban egy igazi gyerekszórakoztató park ötlete is. Az ötlet maga onnan származott, hogy míg vasárnaponként gyerekei hittanórán voltak, ő a közeli vidámparkban üldögélt és arra gondolt, milyen jó lenne egy hely, ahol a felnőttek is jól érezhetnék magukat. Jó harminc évet váratott magára a nagy álom, amellyel megint sikerült újat alkotnia, mozgójárda és csupa sosem látott újdonság várta a gyerekeket Disneylandben. Az elkészült Varázslatos Birodalom Amerika egyik legjelentősebb városfejlesztésének is bizonyult.

Disney pályája csúcsán, 65 évesen halt meg dohányzás miatt kialakult tüdőrákban. Az álmodozó Walter számára az illúziógyártás volt a jövő útja, s eltávozása után tovább termelt az általa alkotott varázsgépezet. 1966-os halála visszavetette ugyan két évtizedre az álomgyár teljesítményét, de 1984-től a Paramount stúdiót is felfuttató Michael Eisner vette gondozásba a Disney Companyt. Keze alatt 2005-ig hússzorosára nőtt a részvények értéke, a cég éves bevétele pedig 1,2 millió dollárról 27 milliárdra emelkedett. Neki tulajdonítják, hogy a világ első számú szórakoztatóipari vállalatává vált a DC, és ugyancsak az ő vezetése alatt robbant be a köztudatba a számítógépes animációkról híres Pixar stúdió is. Ez utóbbi közel tíz év alatt 3 milliárd dollár hasznot hozott, és nem kevés rajongót.

A következő falat a világpiacból India és Kína, az eddig elhanyagolt több százmilliós gyerektábor már most is remek felvevőpiacnak látszik a Disney-shopok sok milliárd dolláros forgalma alapján. Disney sikerének titkát abban látják, hogy az átlagnéző képzeletvilágát szolgálta ki, jól ráérzett a kor szellemére, és a köznép szájíze szerint tudta tálalni a meséket. Bár technikai szinten nagyot alkotott szakmailag, sosem követte a művészetet – egyenesen irtózott attól, hogy valamelyik műve egyszer művészmoziban végzi. Kortársainak többsége modern Aesopusként nézett fel rá, a fennkölt családi szórakoztatás apostolaként, az évszázad legnagyobb nevelőjeként.
A gyermekirodalom művelői és szakértői viszont – bár a maga módján zseniálisnak tartották – erős kritikával illették a hagyományos gyermekirodalom lealacsonyítása miatt. Megfogalmazásuk szerint a leegyszerűsített művek lélektani és erkölcsi igazságait feláldozta az animáció, a látvány oltárán. Disney mesevilága szerintük „nem egy gyereké, hanem egy korosodó emberé, aki a múltban keres megnyugvást”.


I'm No Fool with Electricity (1970) (producer)

It's Tough to Be a Bird (1969) (producer)
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968) (producer)
"Disneyland" (producer) (20 episodes, 1954-1968) (executive producer) (5 episodes, 1956-1966)
... aka Disney's Wonderful World (USA: new title)
... aka The Disney Sunday Movie (USA: new title)
... aka The Magical World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka The Wonderful World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney Presents (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (USA: new title)
- The Mystery of Edward Sims: Part 1 (1968) TV episode (producer) (uncredited)
- Ballerina: Part 1 (1966) TV episode (executive producer) (uncredited)
- The Legend of Young Dick Turpin: Part 1 (1966) TV episode (executive producer) (uncredited)
- The Adventures of Gallegher: Part 1 (1965) TV episode (producer) (uncredited)
- The Tenderfoot: Part 1 (1964) TV episode (producer)
(20 more)
The Happiest Millionaire (1967) (producer) (uncredited)
The Jungle Book (1967) (producer)
Scrooge McDuck and Money (1967) (producer)
Monkeys, Go Home! (1967) (producer) (uncredited)
The Fighting Prince of Donegal (1966) (producer)
Follow Me, Boys! (1966) (producer) (uncredited)
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966) (producer) (uncredited)
The Ugly Dachshund (1966) (producer) (uncredited)
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) (producer)
That Darn Cat! (1965) (producer) (uncredited)
Goofy's Freeway Troubles (1965) (producer)
... aka Freewayphobia #2
The Monkey's Uncle (1965) (executive producer) (uncredited)
Freewayphobia #1 (1965) (producer)
... aka Freewayphobia or the Art of Driving the Super Highway (USA: complete title)
Emil and the Detectives (1964) (producer)
The Moon-Spinners (1964) (producer)
The Three Lives of Thomasina (1964) (producer) (uncredited)
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones (1964) (producer)
The Sword in the Stone (1963) (producer) (uncredited)
The Incredible Journey (1963) (producer) (uncredited)
Summer Magic (1963) (producer) (uncredited)
Savage Sam (1963) (producer)
Yellowstone Cubs (1963) (producer)
Miracle of the White Stallions (1963) (producer)
... aka The Flight of the White Stallions (UK)
Son of Flubber (1963) (producer) (uncredited)
A Symposium on Popular Songs (1962) (producer)
Almost Angels (1962) (producer)
... aka Born to Sing (UK)
Big Red (1962) (producer)
Bon Voyage! (1962) (producer)
Moon Pilot (1962) (producer) (uncredited)
Aquamania (1961) (producer)
Babes in Toyland (1961) (producer)
Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog (1961) (executive producer) (uncredited)
The Litterbug (1961) (producer)
Donald and the Wheel (1961) (producer)
The AbsentMinded Professor (1961) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka The Absent-Minded Professor (Australia)
The Saga of Windwagon Smith (1961) (producer)
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961) (producer)
... aka Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians (USA: alternative title)
Swiss Family Robinson (1960) (producer) (uncredited)
Ten Who Dared (1960) (producer)
Pollyanna (1960) (producer) (uncredited)
Kidnapped (1960) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka Robert Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped (UK: complete title)
Goliath II (1960) (producer)
Donald Duck and his Companions (1960) (producer)

Third Man on the Mountain (1959) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka Banner in the Sky (USA: TV title)
Noah's Ark (1959) (producer)
How to Have an Accident at Work (1959) (producer)
Donald in Mathmagic Land (1959) (producer) (uncredited)
Disneyland '59 (1959) (TV) (producer: Disneyland)
... aka Kodak Presents Disneyland '59
Grand Canyon (1958) (producer) (uncredited)
The Sign of Zorro (1958) (executive producer) (uncredited)
Paul Bunyan (1958) (producer)
The Light in the Forest (1958) (producer)
"Walt Disney Presents: Annette" (1958) TV series (producer) (unknown episodes)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1958) (producer)
Old Yeller (1957) (executive producer) (uncredited)
The Truth About Mother Goose (1957) (producer)
The Story of Anyburg U.S.A. (1957) (producer)
Johnny Tremain (1957) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka Johnny Tremain and the Sons of Liberty
Samoa (1956) (producer)
Disneyland, U.S.A. (1956) (producer)
Westward Ho the Wagons! (1956) (producer) (uncredited)
A Cowboy Needs a Horse (1956) (producer)
I'm No Fool as a Pedestrian (1956) (producer)
In the Bag (1956) (producer)
Jack and Old Mac (1956) (producer)
How to Have an Accident in the Home (1956) (producer)
The Great Locomotive Chase (1956) (executive producer) (uncredited)
... aka Andrews' Raiders (USA: TV title)
Hooked Bear (1956) (producer)
Chips Ahoy (1956) (producer)
You and Your Ears (1956) (producer)
I'm No Fool Having Fun (1956) (producer)
"Corky and White Shadow" (1956) TV series (producer) (unknown episodes)
I'm No Fool in Water (1956) (producer)
Men Against the Arctic (1955) (producer)
Up a Tree (1955) (producer)
Beezy Bear (1955) (producer)
Bearly Asleep (1955) (producer)
Dateline: Disneyland (1955) (TV) (executive producer)
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (1955) (producer)
Contrast in Rhythm (1955) (producer)
Lake Titicaca (1955) (producer)
Switzerland (1955) (producer)
No Hunting (1955) (producer)
You and Your Senses of Smell and Taste (1955) (producer)
You and Your Food (1955) (producer)
I'm No Fool with a Bicycle (1955) (producer)
You and Your Five Senses (1955) (producer)
You and Your Sense of Touch (1955) (producer)
I'm No Fool with Fire (1955) (producer)
You the Human Animal (1955) (producer)
Siam (1954) (producer)
20000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka Jules Verne's 20000 Leagues Under the Sea (USA: complete title)
... aka Walt Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (USA: poster title)
Grand Canyonscope (1954) (producer)
The Flying Squirrel (1954) (producer)
Social Lion (1954) (producer)
Once Upon a Wintertime (1954) (producer)
Grin and Bear It (1954) (producer)
Little Toot (1954) (producer)
Dragon Around (1954) (producer)
Casey Bats Again (1954) (producer)
Pigs Is Pigs (1954) (producer)
Two for the Record (1954) (producer)
The Lone Chipmunks (1954) (producer)
Stormy, the Thoroughbred (1954) (executive producer)
... aka Stormy, the Thoroughbred with an Inferiority Complex (USA: alternative title)
Donald's Diary (1954) (producer)
Spare the Rod (1954) (producer)
Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet (1954) (producer)
Canvas Back Duck (1953) (producer)
How to Sleep (1953) (producer)
Working for Peanuts (1953) (producer)
Ben and Me (1953) (producer)
Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom (1953) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka Adventures in Music: Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom (USA: complete title)
Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue (1953) (executive producer) (uncredited)
Rugged Bear (1953) (producer)
Football Now and Then (1953) (producer)
The New Neighbor (1953) (producer)
The Sword and the Rose (1953) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka When Knighthood Was in Flower (UK) (USA: TV title)
How to Dance (1953) (producer)
Father's Week-end (1953) (producer)
Don's Fountain of Youth (1953) (producer)
Melody (1953) (producer)
... aka Adventures in Music: Melody (USA: complete title)
For Whom the Bulls Toil (1953) (producer)
The Simple Things (1953) (producer)
Father's Day Off (1953) (producer)
The Alaskan Eskimo (1953) (producer)
How to Be a Detective (1952) (producer)
Pluto's Christmas Tree (1952) (producer)
Two Weeks Vacation (1952) (producer)
Trick or Treat (1952) (producer)
Pluto's Party (1952) (producer)
The Little House (1952) (producer)
Uncle Donald's Ants (1952) (producer)
Teachers Are People (1952) (producer)
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952) (executive producer) (uncredited)
... aka The Story of Robin Hood (Philippines: English title) (USA: alternative title)
Susie the Little Blue Coupe (1952) (producer)
Two Gun Goofy (1952) (producer)
Let's Stick Together (1952) (producer)
Man's Best Friend (1952) (producer)
Two Chips and a Miss (1952) (producer)
Hello Aloha (1952) (producer)
Lambert the Sheepish Lion (1952) (producer)
Donald Applecore (1952) (producer)
Father's Lion (1952) (producer)
Bee on Guard (1951) (producer)
No Smoking (1951) (producer)
Out of Scale (1951) (producer)
Fathers Are People (1951) (producer)
Cold Turkey (1951) (producer)
Get Rich Quick (1951) (producer)
R'coon Dawg (1951) (producer)
How to Catch a Cold (1951) (producer)
Alice in Wonderland (1951) (producer)
... aka Alicia en el país de las maravillas (USA: Spanish title)
Tomorrow We Diet! (1951) (producer)
Test Pilot Donald (1951) (producer)
Plutopia (1951) (producer)
Cold War (1951) (producer)
Home Made Home (1951) (producer)
Corn Chips (1951) (producer)
Dude Duck (1951) (producer)
Cold Storage (1951) (producer)
Chicken in the Rough (1951) (producer)
Lion Down (1951) (producer)
Operation Wonderland (1951) (executive producer)
Out on a Limb (1950) (producer)
Morris the Midget Moose (1950) (producer)
Hold That Pose (1950) (producer)
Bee at the Beach (1950) (producer)
Camp Dog (1950) (producer)
Hook, Lion and Sinker (1950) (producer)
Food for Feudin' (1950) (producer)
Pests of the West (1950) (producer)
Lucky Number (1950) (producer)
Motor Mania (1950) (producer)
Treasure Island (1950) (executive producer) (uncredited)
... aka Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island (UK: complete title) (USA: complete title)
Puss Cafe (1950) (producer)
Primitive Pluto (1950) (producer)
Trailer Horn (1950) (producer)
Wonder Dog (1950) (producer)
Crazy Over Daisy (1950) (producer)
The Brave Engineer (1950) (producer)
Cinderella (1950) (producer) (uncredited)
Pluto and the Gopher (1950) (producer)
Pluto's Heart Throb (1950) (producer)

Toy Tinkers (1949) (producer)
Slide Donald Slide (1949) (producer)
Sheep Dog (1949) (producer)
The Greener Yard (1949) (producer)
The Wind in the Willows (1949) (producer) (uncredited)
Goofy Gymnastics (1949) (producer)
All in a Nutshell (1949) (producer)
Tennis Racquet (1949) (producer)
Honey Harvester (1949) (producer)
Bubble Bee (1949) (producer)
Winter Storage (1949) (producer)
Pluto's Sweater (1949) (producer)
Sea Salts (1949) (producer)
Pluto's Surprise Package (1949) (producer)
Donald's Happy Birthday (1949) (producer)
Lion Around (1949) (producer)
Pueblo Pluto (1949) (producer)
Tea for Two Hundred (1948) (producer)
Mickey and the Seal (1948) (producer)
So Dear to My Heart (1948) (producer)
Three for Breakfast (1948) (producer)
Soup's On (1948) (producer)
Pluto's Fledgling (1948) (producer)
Inferior Decorator (1948) (producer)
Cat Nap Pluto (1948) (producer)
The Trial of Donald Duck (1948) (producer)
Pluto's Purchase (1948) (producer)
Bumble Boogie (1948) (producer)
Trees (1948) (producer)
Johnny Appleseed (1948) (producer)
... aka Legend of Johnny Appleseed
... aka Presenting Dennis Day Portraying the Characters of the Old Settler, Johnny Appleseed and Johnny's Angel (USA: complete title)
Donald's Dream Voice (1948) (producer)
Bone Bandit (1948) (producer)
Daddy Duck (1948) (producer)
Blame It on the Samba (1948) (producer)
Mickey Down Under (1948) (producer)
Drip Dippy Donald (1948) (producer)
The Big Wash (1948) (producer)
They're Off (1948) (producer)
Pecos Bill (1948) (producer)
Pluto's Blue Note (1947) (producer)
Chip an' Dale (1947) (producer)
Mail Dog (1947) (producer)
Foul Hunting (1947) (producer)
Mickey's Delayed Date (1947) (producer)
Bongo (1947) (producer)
Mickey and the Beanstalk (1947) (producer)
Wide Open Spaces (1947) (producer)
Bootle Beetle (1947) (producer)
Crazy with the Heat (1947) (producer)
Donald's Dilemma (1947) (producer)
Clown of the Jungle (1947) (producer)
Figaro and Frankie (1947) (producer)
Sleepy Time Donald (1947) (producer)
Rescue Dog (1947) (producer)
Pluto's Housewarming (1947) (producer)
Double Dribble (1946) (producer)
Song of the South (1946) (producer)
Frank Duck Brings 'em Back Alive (1946) (producer)
Bath Day (1946) (producer)
Lighthouse Keeping (1946) (producer)
Dumb Bell of the Yukon (1946) (producer)
Willie the Operatic Whale (1946) (producer)
... aka Opera Pathetique (USA: new title)
... aka The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met (USA: new title)
Casey at the Bat (1946) (producer)
... aka A Musical Recitation by Jerry Colonna Entitled 'Casey at the Bat' (USA: complete title)
The Martins and the Coys (1946) (producer)
Peter and the Wolf (1946) (producer)
Johnnie Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet (1946) (producer)
Wet Paint (1946) (producer)
The Purloined Pup (1946) (producer)
Donald's Double Trouble (1946) (producer)
Squatter's Rights (1946) (producer)
In Dutch (1946) (producer)
Straight Shooters (1946) (producer)
Pluto's Kid Brother (1946) (producer)
A Knight for a Day (1946) (producer)
Blue Bayou (1946) (producer)
After You've Gone (1946) (producer)
All the Cats Join In (1946) (producer)
Old Sequoia (1945) (producer)
Canine Patrol (1945) (producer)
Cured Duck (1945) (producer)
Hockey Homicide (1945) (producer)
No Sail (1945) (producer)
The Legend of Coyote Rock (1945) (producer)
Duck Pimples (1945) (producer)
Canine Casanova (1945) (producer)
Californy er Bust (1945) (producer)
Donald's Crime (1945) (producer)
African Diary (1945) (producer)
The Eyes Have It (1945) (producer)
Dog Watch (1945) (producer)
The Clock Watcher (1945) (producer)
Tiger Trouble (1945) (producer)
The Cold-Blooded Penguin (1945) (producer)
The Flying Gauchito (1945) (producer)
Donald's Off Day (1944) (producer)
First Aiders (1944) (producer)
How to Play Football (1944) (producer)
The Plastics Inventor (1944) (producer)
Springtime for Pluto (1944) (producer)
Commando Duck (1944) (producer)
Contrary Condor (1944) (producer)
Donald Duck and the Gorilla (1944) (producer)
How to Play Golf (1944) (producer)
Trombone Trouble (1944) (producer)
How to Be a Sailor (1944) (producer)
The Pelican and the Snipe (1944) (producer)
Chicken Little (1943) (producer)
Home Defense (1943) (producer)
The Winged Scourge (1943) (producer)
The Old Army Game (1943) (producer)
Figaro and Cleo (1943) (producer)
Reason and Emotion (1943) (producer)
Victory Vehicles (1943) (producer)
Victory Through Air Power (1943) (producer)
Fall Out-Fall in (1943) (producer)
Private Pluto (1943) (producer)
The Flying Jalopy (1943) (producer)
Pluto and the Armadillo (1943) (producer)
Donald's Tire Trouble (1943) (producer)
Education for Death (1943) (producer)
... aka The Story of One of Hitlers Children as Adapted from: Education for Death - The Making of the Nazi (USA: complete title)
The Spirit of '43 (1943) (producer)
The Grain That Built a Hemisphere (1943) (producer)
El Gaucho Goofy (1943) (producer)
Pedro (1943) (producer)
British Torpedo Plane Tactics (1943) (producer)
Bellboy Donald (1942) (producer)
How to Fish (1942) (producer)
Pluto at the Zoo (1942) (producer)
Sky Trooper (1942) (producer)
How to Swim (1942) (producer)
The Olympic Champ (1942) (producer)
The Vanishing Private (1942) (producer)
How to Play Baseball (1942) (producer)
T-Bone for Two (1942) (producer)
Bambi (1942) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka Walt Disney's Bambi (USA: poster title)
Out of the Frying Pan Into the Firing Line (1942) (producer)
Donald's Gold Mine (1942) (producer)
Food Will Win the War (1942) (producer)
The Sleepwalker (1942) (producer)
Donald's Garden (1942) (producer)
The Army Mascot (1942) (producer)
Donald Gets Drafted (1942) (producer)
Donald's Snow Fight (1942) (producer)
Symphony Hour (1942) (producer)
Pluto Junior (1942) (producer)
Mickey's Birthday Party (1942) (producer)
The New Spirit (1942) (producer)
The Village Smithy (1942) (producer)
All Together (1942) (producer)
Donald's Decision (1942) (producer)
Stop That Tank! (1942) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka Boys Anti-Tank Rifle (USA)
Der Fuehrer's Face (1942) (producer)
Aquarela do Brasil (1942) (producer)
The Art of Self Defense (1941) (producer)
7 Wise Dwarfs (1941) (producer)
Chef Donald (1941) (producer)
The Thrifty Pig (1941) (producer)
The Art of Skiing (1941) (producer)
Donald's Camera (1941) (producer)
Dumbo (1941) (producer)
... aka Walt Disney's Dumbo (USA: poster title)
Lend a Paw (1941) (producer)
Old MacDonald Duck (1941) (producer)
Orphans' Benefit (1941) (producer)
Truant Officer Donald (1941) (producer)
Early to Bed (1941) (producer)
The Nifty Nineties (1941) (producer)
Canine Caddy (1941) (producer)
A Good Time for a Dime (1941) (producer)
Baggage Buster (1941) (producer)
A Gentleman's Gentleman (1941) (producer)
Golden Eggs (1941) (producer)
The Little Whirlwind (1941) (producer)
Pluto's Playmate (1941) (producer)
Timber (1941) (producer)
Pantry Pirate (1940) (producer)
Fire Chief (1940) (producer)
Goofy's Glider (1940) (producer)
Fantasia (1940) (producer)
... aka Walt Disney's Fantasia (USA: poster title)
Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip (1940) (producer)
Window Cleaners (1940) (producer)
Pluto's Dream House (1940) (producer)
Donald's Vacation (1940) (producer)
Put-Put Troubles (1940) (producer)
Bone Trouble (1940) (producer)
Mr. Duck Steps Out (1940) (producer)
Billposters (1940) (producer)
Tugboat Mickey (1940) (producer)
Donald's Dog Laundry (1940) (producer)
The Riveter (1940) (producer)

Officer Duck (1939) (producer)
The Autograph Hound (1939) (producer)
Donald's Penguin (1939) (producer)
The Pointer (1939) (producer)
Sea Scouts (1939) (producer)
Beach Picnic (1939) (producer)
Donald's Cousin Gus (1939) (producer)
The Hockey Champ (1939) (producer)
Ugly Duckling (1939) (producer)
Goofy and Wilbur (1939) (producer)
The Practical Pig (1939) (producer) (uncredited)
Society Dog Show (1939) (producer)
Donald's Lucky Day (1939) (producer)
The Standard Parade (1939) (producer)
Mother Goose Goes Hollywood (1938) (producer)
Merbabies (1938) (producer)
Ferdinand the Bull (1938) (producer) (uncredited)
Donald's Golf Game (1938) (producer)
Farmyard Symphony (1938) (producer)
Brave Little Tailor (1938) (producer)
Mickey's Parrot (1938) (producer)
The Whalers (1938) (producer)
The Fox Hunt (1938) (producer)
Good Scouts (1938) (producer)
Polar Trappers (1938) (producer)
Wynken, Blynken & Nod (1938) (producer)
Mickey's Trailer (1938) (producer)
Donald's Nephews (1938) (producer)
Moth and the Flame (1938) (producer)
Donald's Better Self (1938) (producer)
Boat Builders (1938) (producer)
Self Control (1938) (producer)
Lonesome Ghosts (1937) (producer)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) (producer) (uncredited)
... aka Blancanieves y los siete enanos (USA: Spanish title)
... aka Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (USA: poster title)
Donald's Ostrich (1937) (producer)
Pluto's Quin-puplets (1937) (producer)
The Old Mill (1937) (producer)
Clock Cleaners (1937) (producer)
Hawaiian Holiday (1937) (producer)
Modern Inventions (1937) (producer)
Little Hiawatha (1937) (producer)
... aka Hiawatha
Mickey's Amateurs (1937) (producer)
Woodland Café (1937) (producer)
Moose Hunters (1937) (producer)
Magician Mickey (1937) (producer)
Don Donald (1937) (producer)
The Worm Turns (1937) (producer)
More Kittens (1936) (producer)
Mother Pluto (1936) (producer)
The Country Cousin (1936) (producer)
Mickey's Elephant (1936) (producer)
Three Blind Mouseketeers (1936) (producer)
Donald and Pluto (1936) (producer)
Toby Tortoise Returns (1936) (producer)
Mickey's Circus (1936) (producer)
... aka Flying Trapeze (USA: 8mm release title)
Alpine Climbers (1936) (producer)
Mickey's Rival (1936) (producer)
Moving Day (1936) (producer)
Thru the Mirror (1936) (producer)
Three Little Wolves (1936) (producer)
Elmer Elephant (1936) (producer)
Mickey's Grand Opera (1936) (producer)
Orphans' Picnic (1936) (producer)
Mickey's Polo Team (1936) (producer)
Broken Toys (1935) (producer)
Cock o' the Walk (1935) (producer)
Three Orphan Kittens (1935) (producer)
Music Land (1935) (producer)
On Ice (1935) (producer)
Pluto's Judgement Day (1935) (producer)
Mickey's Fire Brigade (1935) (producer)
Mickey's Garden (1935) (producer)
Who Killed Cock Robin? (1935) (producer)
The Cookie Carnival (1935) (producer)
Water Babies (1935) (producer)
The Robber Kitten (1935) (producer)
Mickey's Kangaroo (1935) (producer)
The Golden Touch (1935) (producer)
Mickey's Service Station (1935) (producer)
... aka Super Service (USA: 8mm release title)
The Band Concert (1935) (producer)
Mickey's Man Friday (1935) (producer)
The Tortoise and the Hare (1935) (producer)
Two-Gun Mickey (1934) (producer)
The Dognapper (1934) (producer)
The Goddess of Spring (1934) (producer)
Mickey Plays Papa (1934) (producer)
Peculiar Penguins (1934) (producer)
Orphan's Benefit (1934) (producer)
The Flying Mouse (1934) (producer)
Mickey's Steamroller (1934) (producer)
The Wise Little Hen (1934) (producer)
The Hot Choc-late Soldiers (1934) (producer)
Gulliver Mickey (1934) (producer)
The Big Bad Wolf (1934) (producer) (uncredited)
Funny Little Bunnies (1934) (producer)
Playful Pluto (1934) (producer)
Camping Out (1934) (producer)
The Grasshopper and the Ants (1934) (producer)
The China Shop (1934) (producer)
Shanghaied (1934) (producer)
The Night Before Christmas (1933) (producer)
Giantland (1933) (producer)
The Pet Store (1933) (producer)
The Steeplechase (1933) (producer)
The Pied Piper (1933) (producer)
Puppy Love (1933) (producer)
Lullaby Land (1933) (producer)
Old King Cole (1933) (producer)
Mickey's Gala Premier (1933) (producer)
Mickey's Mechanical Man (1933) (producer)
The Mail Pilot (1933) (producer)
Three Little Pigs (1933) (producer) (uncredited)
Father Noah's Ark (1933) (producer)
Ye Olden Days (1933) (producer)
Mickey's Mellerdrammer (1933) (producer)
Birds in the Spring (1933) (producer)
Mickey's Pal Pluto (1933) (producer)
The Mad Doctor (1933) (producer)
Building a Building (1933) (producer)
Mickey's Good Deed (1932) (producer)
Santa's Workshop (1932) (producer)
Babes in the Woods (1932) (producer)
Parade of the Award Nominees (1932) (producer) (uncredited)
The Klondike Kid (1932) (producer)
The Wayward Canary (1932) (producer)
Touchdown Mickey (1932) (producer)
Bugs in Love (1932) (producer)
The Whoopee Party (1932) (producer)
King Neptune (1932) (producer)
Trader Mickey (1932) (producer)
Mickey's Nightmare (1932) (producer)
Just Dogs (1932) (producer)
Flowers and Trees (1932) (producer)
Mickey in Arabia (1932) (producer)
Musical Farmer (1932) (producer)
The Bears and Bees (1932) (producer)
Mickey's Revue (1932) (producer)
Barnyard Olympics (1932) (producer)
The Mad Dog (1932) (producer)
The Grocery Boy (1932) (producer)
The Duck Hunt (1932) (producer)
The Bird Store (1932) (producer)
The Ugly Duckling (1931) (producer)
Mickey's Orphans (1931) (producer)
Mickey Cuts Up (1931) (producer)
The Beach Party (1931) (producer)
The Fox Hunt (1931) (producer)
The Barnyard Broadcast (1931) (producer)
The Spider and the Fly (1931) (producer)
The Clock Store (1931) (producer)
... aka In a Clock Store
Fishin' Around (1931) (producer)
Egyptian Melodies (1931) (producer)
Blue Rhythm (1931) (producer)
The Cat's Out (1931) (producer)
... aka The Cat's Nightmare
Mickey Steps Out (1931) (producer)
The Busy Beavers (1931) (producer)
The Delivery Boy (1931) (producer)
The China Plate (1931) (producer)
The Moose Hunt (1931) (producer)
Mother Goose Melodies (1931) (producer)
The Castaway (1931) (producer)
Traffic Troubles (1931) (producer)
Birds of a Feather (1931) (producer)
The Birthday Party (1931) (producer)
Playful Pan (1930) (producer)
Pioneer Days (1930) (producer)
Winter (1930) (producer)
The Picnic (1930) (producer)
The Gorilla Mystery (1930) (producer)
The Chain Gang (1930) (producer)
Monkey Melodies (1930) (producer)
Night (1930) (producer)
The Shindig (1930) (producer)
Midnight in a Toy Shop (1930) (producer)
The Fire Fighters (1930) (producer)
Arctic Antics (1930) (producer)
Frolicking Fish (1930) (producer)
The Cactus Kid (1930) (producer)
Fiddling Around (1930) (producer)
Cannibal Capers (1930) (producer)
The Barnyard Concert (1930) (producer)
Autumn (1930) (producer)
Summer (1930) (producer)
Minnie's Yoo Hoo (1930) (producer)

The Merry Dwarfs (1929) (producer)
Hell's Bells (1929) (producer)
Jungle Rhythm (1929) (producer)
Springtime (1929) (producer)
El terrible toreador (1929) (producer)
The Skeleton Dance (1929) (producer)
Wild Waves (1929) (producer)
Haunted House (1929) (producer)
The Jazz Fool (1929) (producer)
The Plowboy (1929) (producer)
Mickey's Follies (1929) (producer)
Mickey's Choo-Choo (1929) (producer)
The Karnival Kid (1929) (producer)
The Barnyard Battle (1929) (producer)
When the Cat's Away (1929) (producer)
The Opry House (1929/I) (producer)
The Barn Dance (1929) (producer)
The Gallopin' Gaucho (1928) (producer)
Steamboat Willie (1928) (producer)
Plane Crazy (1928) (producer)
Alice in the Big League (1927) (producer)
Alice the Beach Nut (1927) (producer)
Alice's Medicine Show (1927) (producer)
Alice in the Klondike (1927) (producer)
Alice's Channel Swim (1927) (producer)
Alice's Picnic (1927) (producer)
Alice's Knaughty Knight (1927) (producer)
Alice's Three Bad Eggs (1927) (producer)
Alice's Circus Daze (1927) (producer)
Alice's Auto Race (1927) (producer)
Alice in the Alps (1927) (producer)
Alice the Collegiate (1927) (producer)
Alice at the Rodeo (1927) (producer)
... aka Alice's Rodeo (USA: alternative title)
Alice at the Carnival (1927) (producer)
Alice Foils the Pirates (1927) (producer)
Alice the Golf Bug (1927) (producer)
Alice the Lumberjack (1926) (producer)
Alice's Brown Derby (1926) (producer)
Alice's Spanish Guitar (1926) (producer)
Alice Helps the Romance (1926) (producer)
Alice Cuts the Ice (1926) (producer)
Alice the Fire Fighter (1926) (producer)
Alice in Slumberland (1926) (producer)
Alice's Monkey Business (1926) (producer)
Alice Charms the Fish (1926) (producer)
Alice's Orphan (1926) (producer)
... aka Alice's Ornery Orphan (USA: alternative title)
Alice's Little Parade (1926) (producer)
Alice's Balloon Race (1926) (producer)
Clara Cleans Her Teeth (1926) (producer)
Alice on the Farm (1926) (producer)
Alice Rattled by Rats (1925) (producer)
Alice Plays Cupid (1925) (producer)
Alice Chops the Suey (1925) (producer)
Alice's Tin Pony (1925) (producer)
Alice Picks the Champ (1925) (producer)
Alice Wins the Derby (1925) (producer)
Alice Is Stage Struck (1925) (producer)
... aka Alice Gets Stage Struck (USA: alternative title)
Alice Loses Out (1925) (producer)
Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925) (producer)
Alice Gets Stung (1925) (producer)
Alice the Toreador (1925) (producer)
Alice Cans the Cannibals (1925) (producer)
Alice the Piper (1924) (producer)
Alice and the Three Bears (1924) (producer)
Alice Hunting in Africa (1924) (producer)
Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924) (producer)
Alice's Fishy Story (1924) (producer)
Alice's Spooky Adventure (1924) (producer)
Alice's Day at the Sea (1924) (producer)
Martha (1923) (producer)
Alice's Wonderland (1923) (producer)
Cinderella (1922/I) (producer)
Tommy Tucker's Tooth (1922) (producer)
Puss in Boots (1922) (producer)
Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (1922) (producer)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1922) (producer)
The Four Musicians of Bremen (1922) (producer)
Little Red Riding Hood (1922/II) (producer)

"Disneyland" .... Mickey Mouse (1 episode, 1955)
... aka Disney's Wonderful World (USA: new title)
... aka The Disney Sunday Movie (USA: new title)
... aka The Magical World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka The Wonderful World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney Presents (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (USA: new title)
- Adventures of Mickey Mouse (1955) TV episode (voice) .... Mickey Mouse

Mickey's Delayed Date (1947) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey and the Beanstalk (1947) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Fun & Fancy Free (1947) (voice) (as Mickey Mouse) .... Mickey Mouse
Squatter's Rights (1946) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Pluto and the Armadillo (1943) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Symphony Hour (1942) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Birthday Party (1942) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
All Together (1942) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Lend a Paw (1941) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Orphans' Benefit (1941) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Nifty Nineties (1941) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Canine Caddy (1941) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
A Gentleman's Gentleman (1941) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Little Whirlwind (1941) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Fantasia (1940) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse (segment "The Sorcerer's Apprentice")
... aka Walt Disney's Fantasia (USA: poster title)
Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip (1940) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Pluto's Dream House (1940) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Tugboat Mickey (1940) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse

The Pointer (1939) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Surprise Party (1939) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Society Dog Show (1939) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Brave Little Tailor (1938) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Parrot (1938) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Whalers (1938) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Fox Hunt (1938) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Trailer (1938) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Boat Builders (1938) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Lonesome Ghosts (1937) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Clock Cleaners (1937) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Hawaiian Holiday (1937) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Amateurs (1937) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Moose Hunters (1937) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Magician Mickey (1937) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Worm Turns (1937) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Elephant (1936) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Circus (1936) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
... aka Flying Trapeze (USA: 8mm release title)
Alpine Climbers (1936) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Rival (1936) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Moving Day (1936) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Thru the Mirror (1936) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Grand Opera (1936) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Orphans' Picnic (1936) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Polo Team (1936) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
On Ice (1935) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Pluto's Judgement Day (1935) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Fire Brigade (1935) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Garden (1935) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Kangaroo (1935) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Service Station (1935) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
... aka Super Service (USA: 8mm release title)
Mickey's Man Friday (1935) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Two-Gun Mickey (1934) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Dognapper (1934) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey Plays Papa (1934) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Orphan's Benefit (1934) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Steamroller (1934) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Hollywood Party (1934) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Hot Choc-late Soldiers (1934) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Gulliver Mickey (1934) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Playful Pluto (1934) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Camping Out (1934) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Shanghaied (1934) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Giantland (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Pet Store (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Steeplechase (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Puppy Love (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Gala Premier (1933) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Mechanical Man (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Mail Pilot (1933) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Three Little Pigs (1933) (voice) (uncredited) .... Practical Pig
Ye Olden Days (1933) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Mellerdrammer (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Pal Pluto (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Mad Doctor (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Building a Building (1933) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Good Deed (1932) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Klondike Kid (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Wayward Canary (1932) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Touchdown Mickey (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Whoopee Party (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Trader Mickey (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Nightmare (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey in Arabia (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Musical Farmer (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Revue (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Barnyard Olympics (1932) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Mad Dog (1932) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Grocery Boy (1932) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Duck Hunt (1932) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Orphans (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey Cuts Up (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Beach Party (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Barnyard Broadcast (1931) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Fishin' Around (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Blue Rhythm (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey Steps Out (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Delivery Boy (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Moose Hunt (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Castaway (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Traffic Troubles (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Birthday Party (1931) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Pioneer Days (1930) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Picnic (1930) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Gorilla Mystery (1930) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
The Chain Gang (1930) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Shindig (1930) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse / Horace Horsecollar
The Fire Fighters (1930) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Cactus Kid (1930) (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
Fiddling Around (1930) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Barnyard Concert (1930) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Minnie's Yoo Hoo (1930) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse

Jungle Rhythm (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse / Parrot
Wild Waves (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Haunted House (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Jazz Fool (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Plowboy (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Follies (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Choo-Choo (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Karnival Kid (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Barn Dance (1929) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Gallopin' Gaucho (1928) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse / Minnie Mouse
Steamboat Willie (1928) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse / Minnie Mouse / The Parrot
Plane Crazy (1928) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse / Minnie Mouse
Alice's Fishy Story (1924) .... Auto Driver
Alice's Wonderland (1923)

Health for the Americas: Cleanliness Brings Health (1945)
... aka Cleanliness Brings Health (USA: short title)

The Golden Touch (1935)
Servants' Entrance (1934) (cartoon sequence)
The Hot Choc-late Soldiers (1934)
Night (1930)
The Cactus Kid (1930) (uncredited)
Fiddling Around (1930) (uncredited)
The Barnyard Concert (1930) (uncredited)
Minnie's Yoo Hoo (1930) (uncredited)

The Merry Dwarfs (1929)
Jungle Rhythm (1929) (uncredited)
Springtime (1929)
El terrible toreador (1929)
The Skeleton Dance (1929)
Haunted House (1929) (uncredited)
The Jazz Fool (1929)
The Karnival Kid (1929)
When the Cat's Away (1929) (uncredited)
The Opry House (1929/I) (uncredited)
The Barn Dance (1929) (uncredited)
Sky Scrappers (1928)
Hot Dog (1928)
Steamboat Willie (1928) (uncredited)
Sleigh Bells (1928)
Tall Timber (1928)
The Fox Chase (1928)
Poor Papa (1928)
Oh What a Knight (1928)
Plane Crazy (1928)
Hungry Hoboes (1928)
Ozzie of the Mounted (1928)
Ride 'Em Plowboy (1928)
Sagebrush Sadie (1928)
Bright Lights (1928)
Rival Romeos (1928)
Africa Before Dark (1928)
The Ole Swimmin' Hole (1928)
Neck 'n' Neck (1928)
Harem Scarem (1928)
Rickety Gin (1927)
Empty Socks (1927)
The Banker's Daughter (1927)
The Ocean Hop (1927)
All Wet (1927/II)
Great Guns (1927/I)
The Mechanical Cow (1927)
Oh Teacher (1927)
Trolley Troubles (1927)
Alice in the Big League (1927)
Alice the Beach Nut (1927)
Alice the Whaler (1927)
Alice's Medicine Show (1927)
Alice in the Klondike (1927)
Alice's Channel Swim (1927)
Alice's Picnic (1927)
Alice's Knaughty Knight (1927)
Alice's Three Bad Eggs (1927)
Alice's Circus Daze (1927)
Alice's Auto Race (1927)
Alice in the Alps (1927)
Alice the Collegiate (1927)
Alice at the Rodeo (1927)
... aka Alice's Rodeo (USA: alternative title)
Alice at the Carnival (1927)
Alice Foils the Pirates (1927)
Alice the Golf Bug (1927)
Alice the Lumberjack (1926)
Alice's Brown Derby (1926)
Alice's Spanish Guitar (1926)
Alice Helps the Romance (1926)
Alice Cuts the Ice (1926)
Alice the Fire Fighter (1926)
Alice in the Wooly West (1926)
Alice in Slumberland (1926)
Alice's Monkey Business (1926)
Alice Charms the Fish (1926)
Alice's Orphan (1926)
... aka Alice's Ornery Orphan (USA: alternative title)
Alice's Mysterious Mystery (1926)
Alice's Little Parade (1926)
Alice's Balloon Race (1926)
Alice on the Farm (1926)
Alice in the Jungle (1925)
Alice Rattled by Rats (1925)
Alice Plays Cupid (1925)
Alice the Jail Bird (1925)
Alice Chops the Suey (1925)
Alice's Tin Pony (1925)
Alice Picks the Champ (1925)
Alice Wins the Derby (1925)
Alice Is Stage Struck (1925)
... aka Alice Gets Stage Struck (USA: alternative title)
Alice Loses Out (1925)
Alice's Egg Plant (1925)
Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925)
Alice Gets Stung (1925)
Alice the Toreador (1925)
Alice Cans the Cannibals (1925)
Alice the Piper (1924)
Alice and the Three Bears (1924)
Alice Hunting in Africa (1924)
Alice Gets in Dutch (1924)
Alice the Peacemaker (1924)
Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924)
Alice's Fishy Story (1924)
Alice's Wild West Show (1924)
Alice's Spooky Adventure (1924)
Alice's Day at the Sea (1924)
Alice's Wonderland (1923)
Martha (1923)
Cinderella (1922/I)
Tommy Tucker's Tooth (1922)
Puss in Boots (1922)
Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (1922)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1922)
The Four Musicians of Bremen (1922)
Little Red Riding Hood (1922/II)

Miscellaneous Crew:
One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing (1975) (presenter)
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (1968) (presenter)
... aka The Family Band (USA: TV title)
The Happiest Millionaire (1967) (presenter)
Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar (1967) (presenter)
The Gnome-Mobile (1967) (presenter)
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin (1967) (presenter)
Monkeys, Go Home! (1967) (presenter)
Follow Me, Boys! (1966) (presenter)
Run, Appaloosa, Run (1966) (presenter)
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966) (presenter)
The Ugly Dachshund (1966) (presenter)
That Darn Cat! (1965) (presenter)
The Monkey's Uncle (1965) (presenter)
Those Calloways (1965) (presenter)
"Disneyland" (presenter) (17 episodes, 1954-1965)
... aka Disney's Wonderful World (USA: new title)
... aka The Disney Sunday Movie (USA: new title)
... aka The Magical World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka The Wonderful World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney Presents (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (USA: new title)
- Disneyland 10th Anniversary (1965) TV episode (presenter)
- Back Stage Party (1961) TV episode (presenter)
- The Title Makers/Nature's Half Acre (1961) TV episode (presenter)
- Wonders of the Water Worlds (1961) TV episode (presenter)
- The Swamp Fox: Tory Vengeance (1960) TV episode (presenter)
(12 more)
Emil and the Detectives (1964) (presenter)
Mary Poppins (1964) (presenter)
The Three Lives of Thomasina (1964) (presenter)
A Tiger Walks (1964) (presenter)
The Sword in the Stone (1963) (presenter)
Summer Magic (1963) (presenter)
Son of Flubber (1963) (presenter)
In Search of the Castaways (1962) (presenter)
... aka Castaways (Philippines: English title)
The Legend of Lobo (1962) (presenter)
Moon Pilot (1962) (presenter)
Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog (1961) (presenter)
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North (1961) (presenter)
... aka Nikki
The Parent Trap (1961) (presenter)
The AbsentMinded Professor (1961) (presenter)
... aka The Absent-Minded Professor (Australia)
The Horse with the Flying Tail (1960) (presenter)
Swiss Family Robinson (1960) (presenter)
Pollyanna (1960) (presenter)
Islands of the Sea (1960) (presenter)
Kidnapped (1960) (presenter)
... aka Robert Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped (UK: complete title)
Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circus (1960) (presenter)
... aka Toby Tyler

Jungle Cat (1959) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: Jungle Cat (USA: long title)
Mysteries of the Deep (1959) (presenter)
Third Man on the Mountain (1959) (presenter)
... aka Banner in the Sky (USA: TV title)
Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959) (presenter)
... aka The Little People (USA)
Eyes in Outer Space (1959) (presenter)
... aka Eyes in Outer Space: A Science-Factual Presentation (USA: long title)
The Shaggy Dog (1959) (presenter)
Sleeping Beauty (1959) (presenter)
Tonka (1958) (presenter)
... aka A Horse Named Comanche (USA: reissue title)
Grand Canyon (1958) (presenter)
The Sign of Zorro (1958) (presenter)
White Wilderness (1958) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: White Wilderness (USA: long title)
... aka Large Animals of the Arctic (USA: cut version)
... aka The Lemmings and Arctic Bird Life (USA: cut version)
Old Yeller (1957) (presenter)
Perri (1957) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Fantasy: Perri (USA: long title)
... aka The Story of Perri (USA: poster title)
Niok l'éléphant (1957) (presenter)
... aka Niok (USA: new title)
Johnny Tremain (1957) (presenter)
... aka Johnny Tremain and the Sons of Liberty
Westward Ho the Wagons! (1956) (presenter)
Secrets of Life (1956) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: Secrets of Life (USA: long title)
The Great Locomotive Chase (1956) (presenter)
... aka Andrews' Raiders (USA: TV title)
The Littlest Outlaw (1955) (presenter)
The African Lion (1955) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: The African Lion (USA: long title)
Lady and the Tramp (1955) (presenter)
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (1955) (presenter)
20000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) (presenter)
... aka Jules Verne's 20000 Leagues Under the Sea (USA: complete title)
... aka Walt Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (USA: poster title)
The Vanishing Prairie (1954) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: The Vanishing Prairie (USA: informal alternative title)
... aka Large Animals That Once Roamed the Plains (USA: cut version)
The Living Desert (1953) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: The Living Desert (USA: long title)
Prowlers of the Everglades (1953) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: Prowlers of the Everglades (USA: long title)
The Sword and the Rose (1953) (presenter)
... aka When Knighthood Was in Flower (UK) (USA: TV title)
Peter Pan (1953) (presenter)
Bear Country (1953) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: Bear Country (USA: long title)
Water Birds (1952) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: Water Birds (USA: series title)
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952) (presenter)
... aka The Story of Robin Hood (Philippines: English title) (USA: alternative title)
The Olympic Elk (1952) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: The Olympic Elk (USA: long title)
Nature's Half Acre (1951) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: Nature's Half Acre (USA: long title)
Alice in Wonderland (1951) (presenter)
... aka Alicia en el país de las maravillas (USA: Spanish title)
Beaver Valley (1950) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: In Beaver Valley (USA: long title)
... aka In Beaver Valley
Treasure Island (1950) (presenter)
... aka Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island (UK: complete title) (USA: complete title)
Cinderella (1950) (presenter)

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949) (presenter)
... aka Ichabod and Mr. Toad (USA: promotional title)
... aka The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (USA: TV title)
The Window (1949) (special arrangement: Bobby Driscoll role of "Tommy")
Seal Island (1948) (presenter)
... aka A True-Life Adventure: On Seal Island (USA: long title)
... aka On Seal Island
Melody Time (1948) (presenter)
Fun & Fancy Free (1947) (presenter)
Make Mine Music (1946) (presenter)
The Three Caballeros (1944) (presenter)
Saludos Amigos (1942) (presenter)
... aka Hello Friends (USA: literal English title)
Bambi (1942) (presenter)
... aka Walt Disney's Bambi (USA: poster title)
Sullivan's Travels (1941) (producer: "Playful Pluto") (uncredited)
Dumbo (1941) (presenter)
... aka Walt Disney's Dumbo (USA: poster title)
The Reluctant Dragon (1941) (presenter)
... aka A Day at Disneys (USA: TV title)
... aka Behind the Scenes at Walt Disney Studio
Pinocchio (1940) (presenter)

The Practical Pig (1939) (presenter)
Ferdinand the Bull (1938) (presenter)
Michael O'Halloran (1937) (cartoon sequence courtesy of)
The Wise Little Hen (1934) (presenter) (as Mickey Mouse)
The Big Bad Wolf (1934) (presenter)
Three Little Pigs (1933) (presenter)

Animation Department:
The Skeleton Dance (1929) (animator) (uncredited)
Trolley Troubles (1927) (animator)
Alice Hunting in Africa (1924) (animator)
Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924) (animator)
Alice's Fishy Story (1924) (animator)
Alice's Wild West Show (1924) (animator)
Alice's Spooky Adventure (1924) (animator)
Alice's Day at the Sea (1924) (animator)
Cinderella (1922/I) (animator)
Puss in Boots (1922) (animator)
Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (1922) (animator)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1922) (animator)
The Four Musicians of Bremen (1922) (animator)

Disney Princess Sing Along Songs: Enchanted Tea Party (2005) (V) (writer)

Land of Illusion (1993) (VG) (characters)
World of Illusion (1992) (VG) (characters)
... aka World of Illusion Starring Disney's Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (USA)
Quackshot (1991) (VG) (characters)
Castle of Illusion (1990) (VG) (characters)

Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966) (story) (as Retlaw Yensid)

Steamboat Willie (1928) (writer) (uncredited)
Alice's Wonderland (1923) (scenario)

"House of Mouse" (1 episode, 2002)
- Mickey and the Culture Clash (2002) TV episode (music: "Minnie's Yoo Hoo") (lyrics: "Minnie's Yoo Hoo")

Camera and Electrical Department:
Walt: The Man Behind the Myth (2001) (TV) (camera operator: home movie footage)

The Age of Believing: The Disney Live Action Classics (2008) (TV) (special thanks) (as Walter Elias Disney)
Artists of the Roundtable (2008) (V) (special thanks)
X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 (2001) (VG) (thanks)
If You Knew Susie (1948) (acknowledgement: the part of Junior played by Bobby Driscoll courtesy of)
Sabotage (1936) (thanks: Cartoon sequence by arrangement with)
... aka I Married a Murderer (USA: reissue title)
... aka Sabotage (USA)
... aka The Hidden Power
... aka The Woman Alone (USA)

"Disneyland" .... Himself - Host / ... (88 episodes, 1954-1967)
... aka Disney's Wonderful World (USA: new title)
... aka The Disney Sunday Movie (USA: new title)
... aka The Magical World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka The Wonderful World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney Presents (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (USA: new title)
- A Salute to Alaska (1967) TV episode .... Himself - Host
- Atta Girl, Kelly!: K for Kelly (1967) TV episode .... Himself - Host
- Disneyland Around the Seasons (1966) TV episode .... Himself
- The Moon-Spinners: Part 1 (1966) TV episode .... Himself - Host
- Disneyland 10th Anniversary (1965) TV episode .... Himself - Host
(83 more)
EPCOT (1967) .... Himself
... aka EPCOT '67 (USA: alternative title)
The Jack Benny Hour (1965) (TV) .... Himself
Donald's Fire Survival Plan (1965) .... Himself
"Cinépanorama" .... Himself (1 episode, 1961)
- Episode dated 7 October 1961 (1961) TV episode .... Himself
Gala Day at Disneyland (1960) .... Himself
Hedda Hopper's Hollywood (1960) (TV) .... Himself

Disneyland '59 (1959) (TV) .... Himself - Host
... aka Kodak Presents Disneyland '59
4 Artists Paint 1 Tree: A Walt Disney 'Adventure in Art' (1958) .... Himself - Narrator
... aka 4 Artists Paint 1 Tree (USA: short title)
"Toast of the Town" .... Himself (4 episodes, 1953-1956)
... aka The Ed Sullivan Show (USA: new title)
- Episode #10.15 (1956) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode #9.40 (1956) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode #9.24 (1956) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode #6.22 (1953) TV episode .... Himself
Disneyland, U.S.A. (1956) .... Himself
"What's My Line?" .... Mystery Guest (1 episode, 1956)
- Episode dated 11 November 1956 (1956) TV episode .... Mystery Guest
"The Colgate Comedy Hour" .... Himself (1 episode, 1955)
... aka Colgate Summer Comedy Hour (USA: summer title)
... aka Colgate Variety Hour (USA: sixth season title)
... aka Michael Todd Revue (USA: subtitle)
- Episode #5.36 (1955) TV episode .... Himself
Dateline: Disneyland (1955) (TV) .... Himself
"The Red Skelton Show" .... Award for Best Producer / ... (1 episode, 1955)
... aka The Red Skelton Hour (USA: new title)
- Look Magazine Movie Awards Show (1955) TV episode .... Himself/Award for Best Producer
The 26th Annual Academy Awards (1954) (TV) .... Himself - Winner, multiple awards
"What's My Line" .... Himself - Celebrity Challenger (1 episode, 1953)
- Episode dated 12 April 1953 (1953) TV episode .... Himself - Celebrity Challenger
The 25th Annual Academy Awards (1953) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter: Music Awards
Grantland Rice Sportlight No. R11-10: A Sporting Oasis (1952) .... Himself
The Walt Disney Christmas Show (1951) (TV) .... Himself - Host
Grantland Rice Sportscope R-11-2: Ridin' the Rails (1951) .... Himself - Hobbyist/Model Train Builder
... aka Grantland Rice Sportslight (R11-2): Ridin' the Rails (USA: series title)
"The Fred Waring Show" .... Himself (1 episode, 1951)
- Episode dated 18 March 1951 (1951) TV episode .... Himself
Operation Wonderland (1951) .... Himself
One Hour in Wonderland (1950) (TV) .... Host
Screen Snapshots: Famous Cartoonists (1950) .... Himself - 'Mickey Mouse' creator

Screen Snapshots Series 25, No. 1: 25th Anniversary (1945) .... Himself
Show Business at War (1943) .... Himself
... aka The March of Time Volume IX, Issue 10
South of the Border with Disney (1942) .... Himself
Saludos Amigos (1942) (uncredited) .... Himself
... aka Hello Friends (USA: literal English title)
The Reluctant Dragon (1941) (uncredited) .... Himself
... aka A Day at Disneys (USA: TV title)
... aka Behind the Scenes at Walt Disney Studio
Screen Snapshots Series 19, No. 7: Wardrobe Designers (1940) .... Himself

Screen Snapshots Series 17, No. 9 (1938) .... Himself, Oscar winner
Screen Snapshots Series 15, No. 7 (1936) .... Himself
Los Angeles: 'Wonder City of the West' (1935) (uncredited) .... Himself
Screen Snapshots Series 9, No. 18 (1930) .... Himself

Archive Footage:
"CBS News Sunday Morning"
- Episode dated 27 September 2009 (2009) TV episode .... Himself
To Oz! The Making of a Classic (2009) (V) .... Himself
1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year (2009) (TV) .... Himself
The Age of Believing: The Disney Live Action Classics (2008) (TV) .... Himself
Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical History (2008) (V) .... Himself
Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical Treasure (2008) (TV) .... Himself
Disneyland: Secrets, Stories, & Magic (2007) (V) .... Himself
"The Daily Show"
- Episode dated 5 June 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Himself
Cracker Crazy: Invisible Histories of the Sunshine State (2007) .... Himself
The Hardy Boys: From Dixon to Disney (2006) (V) .... Himself
"Video on Trial"
- Episode #2.8 (2006) TV episode .... Himself
Il était une fois... Walt Disney (2006) (TV) .... Himself
Alice's Cartoon World: An Interview with Virginia Davis (2005) (V) (uncredited) .... Himself
From Kansas City to Hollywood (2005) (V) (uncredited) .... Himself
Disneyland: The First 50 Magical Years (2005) (uncredited) .... Himself
The Making of '20000 Leagues Under the Sea' (2003) (V) .... Himself
Making of the Sherman Brothers (2003) (V) .... Himself
Walt Disney World Resort: Behind the Scenes (2002) (TV) .... Himself
"House of Mouse"
- Dennis the Duck (2002) TV episode (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
Temalørdag: Walt Disney 100 år (2001) (TV) .... Himself
The Magic Kingdom and the Magic of Television (2001) (V) .... Himself
Mickey's House of Villains (2001) (V) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse (segment 'Lonesome Ghosts')
Disney's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs': Still the Fairest of Them All (2001) (V) (archive sound) .... Himself
Walt: The Man Behind the Myth (2001) (TV) .... Himself
It Conquered Hollywood! The Story of American International Pictures (2001) (TV) .... Himself
The Fantasia Legacy: The Concert Feature (2000) (V) .... Himself
Sir John Mills' Moving Memories (2000) (V) .... Himself
"Biography of the Millennium: 100 People - 1000 Years" (1999) .... Himself - #62
Sports on the Silver Screen (1997) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself
The Story Behind Walt Disney's 'Fun and Fancy Free' (1997) (V) .... Himself
Once Upon a Dream: The Making of Walt Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' (1997) (V) .... Himself
You Can Fly!: The Making of Walt Disney's Masterpiece 'Peter Pan' (1997) (V) .... Himself
The First 100 Years: A Celebration of American Movies (1995) (TV) .... Himself
The Maestros of Philadelphia (1993) (TV) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Best of Disney Music: A Legacy in Song - Part I (1993) (TV) .... Himself
The Best of Disney: 50 Years of Magic (1991) (TV) .... Himself
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic (1990) (TV) .... Himself
The Art of Disney Animation (1988) (TV) .... Himself
- Walt Disney World's 15th Anniversary Celebration (1986) TV episode .... Himself
- Walt Disney: One Man's Dream (1981) TV episode .... Himself
- Disney's Greatest Villains (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Mickey Mouse
- The Truth About Mother Goose (1963) TV episode (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
- Pluto's Day (1956) TV episode (voice) .... Himself/Mickey Mouse
(1 more)
Jiminy Cricket's Christmas (1986) (V) (voice) (uncredited) .... Mickey Mouse
The Walt Disney Comedy and Magic Revue (1985) (V) .... Mickey Mouse
Walt Disney World EPCOT Center: A Souvenir Program (1984) (V) .... Himself
Once Upon a Mouse (1981) .... Himself/ Mickey Mouse
A Dream Called Walt Disney World (1981) (V) (uncredited) .... Himself
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? (1975) .... Himself
The Walt Disney Story (1973) .... Himself/Mickey Mouse
"Toast of the Town"
- Episode #16.38 (1963) TV episode .... Himself
- Episode #11.39 (1958) TV episode .... Himself
Hollywood Without Make-Up (1963) .... Himself
The Movies March On (1939) .... Himself

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